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How to tell my mom about meeting?

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    How to tell my mom about meeting?

    So I'm 24, still live at home and haven't really dated much in the past (in fact, my family does not know that I've dated at all). I've already graduated college, have a full-time job (that I work from my home office) and am just now getting my license (hopefully 14 hours from now!). In the midst of this, I met a guy I really care about online last September (there's 50 miles between us), we talk or Skype video chat daily. We've since developed a committed relationship and plan to meet this Saturday (!!!). My parents know of SO, however, they only know him as a friend and not anything more than that. I've been trying to tell my mom this week about us meeting on Saturday, but I'm ridiculously nervous and really terrified of telling her because she's not exactly been open to the idea of me dating, much less someone I met online. I know, I know, I'm 24 and therefore an adult, but I'd like to ultimately get to a point where this doesn't cause me to choose between my bf and my parents--I'd kinda like to have them all in my life. Any tips on what to say to mom tomorrow?

    Are there some kind of cultural considerations you didn't mention here? I mean, unless they're planning on you joining a convent, surely they must be expecting this? I don't think anyone can give you any useful tips without knowing why a parent doesn't want their 24 year old to date I'm sorry that isn't very useful, but I guess I'm just confused at the reasoning.
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      I should have been more clear. Youngest of 5, my mom has always been very overprotective when it comes to me. When I first told her about my SO, she flipped--and that was just when we had first met and were talking as friends! I'm guessing the reasoning is that she's afraid to lose her "baby." In reality, it's going to happen eventually regardless of if I date this person or someone else.

      Here's what confuses me: she's been saying a lot lately, when discussing future plans (such as a vacation next year) that I "don't know where I'll be at that point." Almost as if she's hinting that she thinks I'll relocate to where SO is. She knows we talk daily and has questioned me in the past about him being just a friend vs. being a BF. Thing is, SO and I have no plans to close the distance that soon.

      So yeah, basically just need help with broaching the subject to her and telling her that we're meeting Saturday.

      ETA: No cultural considerations, I was raised Catholic and SO is Presby. Doesn't concern me, might slightly concern the parents but we'll cross that road when we get to it.


        I'm the mom of a 24 year old daughter, and if she wasn't dating by now, I'd be really concerned. I think you just have to lay it on the line, there's no other way at this point, you're fully an adult. Just do it calmly and matter-of-factually, and say you will be going on a date Saturday. Look, there's no way they'll hold this against you forever, you're a grown-up and doing a perfectly normal activity, and there's really no need for a big discussion. You need to be confident and not be nervous looking, and remember that you're not doing anything wrong. Be strong and good luck!
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein

