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Very worried and very upset I cant be there with her right now.

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    Very worried and very upset I cant be there with her right now.

    A few days ago my girlfriend messaged me on facebook and said that she no longer has a phone but will contact me when she can borrow someones phone to call me of go on facebook again. I asked her what happened and she told me that her brother left her alone for eight hours and when she tried to get up to go to the restroom by herself she fell out of her wheelchair. She sat there on the floor until her brother (who is her certified caretaker by the way) got home and when he did get back home he was drunk. Her brother drinks A LOT. They started arguing and he told her that she isnt his responsibility and when she threatened to call the cops on him for being loud, seeming violent, and for neglecting her he took her phone and broke it. Then he took their moms ashes (she was very close to her mom who passed away in august 2010) and he left. She has no clue where he is. And on top of all of this their gas got shut off because before he left her brother didnt pay any of the bills. She has called me once in the past three days. I am so worried. Honestly what I am most worried about is the fact that her brother took their moms ashes because I know how much their mom ment to her and how close they were so I know theres no way she can be okay with that. I know she has a lot of good friends and family that im sure are helping her out im just so scared because I want her to be okay and I hate that I cant be there with her right now.
    Love knows no boundaries.

    damn! i am real sorry to hear about that.things seem pretty u still keep in touch on FB and did she inform the police about what happened? damn thats so bad


      Originally posted by Irina_Linn View Post
      damn! i am real sorry to hear about that.things seem pretty u still keep in touch on FB and did she inform the police about what happened? damn thats so bad
      she hasnt been able to contact me since yesterday afternoon
      Love knows no boundaries.


        Gosh that's a really difficult situation... I hope she's okay and that her brother doesn't do anything stupid to their mom's ashes. I'll be keeping you both in my thoughts, be strong!


          Originally posted by ParkerAiden135 View Post
          she hasnt been able to contact me since yesterday afternoon
          do you have anyone whom you can ask to contact her?for example those people who take care of her?


            If you are truely concerned, you can call the local police station in her hometown and explain your concern. The phone number is probably online. They will send an officer out to do a check up and possibly help her contact adult or social services since she seems to require assistance to a degree.


              Originally posted by Irina_Linn View Post
              do you have anyone whom you can ask to contact her?for example those people who take care of her?
              ive asked her couple close friends but they havent been able to get in touch with her either. Im trying to get ahold of her other brother who has apparently been trying to take care of her.
              Love knows no boundaries.


                omg i hope today or tomorrow you will receive some news!


                  I'm so sorry to hear that! Do you have some friends or relative who's living near to her? Or probably, the caregiver agency? You know you can contact them and tell your concern... Hope everything's going to be okay soon.
                  Jon Lawrence: I love you because you are succesful, intelligent, have a great nerdy personality.
                  Jon Lawrence: Love me for all my faults
                  Jon Lawrence: You have a good head on your head.
                  Jon Lawrence: and you are FUCKING AMAZING LOOKING!



                    I don't think calling the police is in the best interest of your girlfriend.
                    It seems that get brother holds a lot of resentment towards her for being her caregiver. I'd discuss this with her first and then see if she has any other options. Secondly, I'd avoid calling the police because that could further the rift between then and leave your giftiend in a situation where no one is there to care for her.


                      You shouldn't call the police, it would just increase the stuff she'd have to deal with. I feel so sad about this and I can understand your helplessness. The only thing you can do is be patient, trust her and maybe ask her friends on facebook to go check on her. Maybe a friend who lives close by. Tell the friend the whole story and to keep an eye out for her and her brother. That would your best option right now. I really hope things get better soon Please let us know whatever happens
                      All relationships go through shit.
                      Real relationships get through shit.

