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Future is my Safe Haven

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    Future is my Safe Haven

    My SO just seems to be too good to be true sometimes. He's patient with me as I am with him. We've started talking a bit more because we were slacking a lot not speaking to each other for a while. My insecurities get the best of me a lot because I've been in a lot of bad relationships and I've never done something this crazy before. Though, I do know that he's worth the risk of a broken heart.
    Exactly a year and 3 months to the day until we finally meet. I imagine what it will be like and I get chills. He is truly the best thing in my life right now. The future is so far away yet I can't think of anything better to look forward to. My fear is always of him finding someone better but I can only hope the loyalty is mutual between us.
    I always bug him with messages when he can't reply and he says it doesn't bother him but well... I think it does. I just can't help myself. I get this urge to tell him something that I thought of or that's going on and I just don't hold back. I wrote him a random letter this morning and sent it to him. It's silly, but it's the only way I feel I can let him know I'm thinking of him, maybe a bit too much.
    Life say's we won't make it.
    Love says we will.

    Hey.. I totally understand. I have ended up writing a lot to my SO when he's not online too.. I'll write him a message and then a little bit later think of something else I want to tell him.. and something else.. and it's kind of bad. But I don't think he minds either. I end up speaking my thoughts easier with him than anyone else.. sometimes it's bad because I don't think through my thoughts and end up getting too emotional with him and he thinks I'm getting upset with him when really I'm just getting frustrated with a situation or something. My future also seems so far away at times. We have a visit scheduled this summer, July 5/6 (flight on the 5th, arrives on the 6th) to August 24 and then I'm going to university here and he's continuing his course there, and then we'll get better jobs hopefully and be able to close the distance finally after everything. Thank you for posting here though because I can totally identify with you and I like reading posts like this.

