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meeting for the first time

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    meeting for the first time

    Sorry I know this must have been covered a million times on here but the anxiety is kicking in now. in two weeks time we will finally meet for the first time. We've spoken loads, email chat everyday and video chat but I still have an underlying anxiety he won't like me for real. What if I don't meet his expectations? aaaaagggghhh is it normal to feel like this? I'm driving myself mad here.

    This perfectly normal! I felt the same way when I met my SO, and he said he felt the same way too. I told him at the time that I just knew I wouldn't meet him and be disappointed, and he said he felt the same about me. And that was the case. If you've spoken on Skype etc, then there won't be any "surprises" when you meet. The second I saw him coming towards me in the airport, I got butterflies in my tummy and it felt so right. Just relax, look forward to it and don't put too much pressure on yourself. You'll probably find that after so much talking, you feel natural together


      I agree 100% with kattermole. Don't put the pressure on yourself and don't over think everything...this will only make things worse. Also, don't try to plan in your head how you want every minute that you 2 are together...that only leads to disappointment. You just let whatever happens, happen when you two are together. I am so happy for you and your SO! Good luck


        Check out my blog, I wrote all about our first meeting and the feelings we had about it!


          Hey, look, of course it's possible you might not click in real life, it does happen, but I've been around this site a long time and can honestly say that though there are literally thousands of members, there has only been the smallest handful of times where first meetings didn't go well, like maybe two or three times that I can remember. Those are damn good odds. Once you've been on cam, there's not many surprises left anymore, you're gonna be fine.

          You only get to meet for the first time once, so try to enjoy the excitement and anticipation, don't let being anxious ruin this time for you. After a couple of hours together, you're going to wonder what the big deal was anyway
          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


            Originally posted by Moon View Post
            Hey, look, of course it's possible you might not click in real life, it does happen, but I've been around this site a long time and can honestly say that though there are literally thousands of members, there has only been the smallest handful of times where first meetings didn't go well, like maybe two or three times that I can remember. Those are damn good odds. Once you've been on cam, there's not many surprises left anymore, you're gonna be fine.

            You only get to meet for the first time once, so try to enjoy the excitement and anticipation, don't let being anxious ruin this time for you. After a couple of hours together, you're going to wonder what the big deal was anyway
            ^^^ So true. And I worried a bit about Stephen and I not clicking, but I can honestly say the chemistry was MIND BLOWING. I think it helps getting to know someone deeply before you have physical contact. I hope sparks fly for you guys as well.


              You'll totally be fine! When I went to go see my boyfriend for the first time, it was the same deal as well. I was nearly having panic attacks over the idea of being face to face with him. But oddly enough, when I was actually in the process of getting there (My plane was delayed by a ton and it sucked), the closer I got to seeing him, the calmer I got. And the moment I got out of the taxi... I wasn't even civil about it. I ran and tackle-hugged him, and he did the same back.

              Just let it happen, the chances of you not clicking is very very minimal indeed. You've given yourself plenty of time to get to know each other; seeing each other physically is just another step in the equation.

