Hi, I'm new to the forum! My girlfriend is from Poland and I am from Canada, we met on Omegle about 1 year and a half ago, and we have been together for a bit less than 1 year. So far it's going pretty well and I have visited her and even met her family. If you have any questions feel free to ask! Btw we are only 19
No announcement yet.
We are looking for donations to help my girlfriend visit me in canada. we have a lot of faith in the internet since it is where we met. So if you are successful and you think you can spare a few cents or dollars, please help us out! we have a gofundme page called "Help Get my Girlfriend to Canada!"
Thanks everyone!
Also, if donations aren't your thing, I would love to hear from people in similar situations and how you dealt with being halfway around the world from each other. Looking forward to hearing from you!
We don't react well to newbies coming here and begging, we ALL have our own LDR's to support. You're welcome to stick around and be a part of our forum, but do not ask us to fund your relationship again.Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein