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going nuts sometimes

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    going nuts sometimes

    sometimes we are just going nuts with missing each other and i got the urge to cry all day (i dont but i want to)
    i know that you should keep busy and such and i do that, but i keep busy like a bat out of hell but it isnt working sometimes!!!!
    some days are off course better then other and i take it one breath at the time
    what do you all do when keeping busy doesnt help???

    If I can't keep myself busy, I'm just hoping that maybe he's not busy and we can text, at least. Sometimes he is busy and I really just end up crying since I lack any other idea of what to do with my time. I feel like I just want to hug him and kiss him so badly and I can't. I just cry.


      i wish i could tell you something that helps.. taking a step back maybe? I don't even know.. I am going through the same things as you are and I completely understand. It's just soo hard! and there is no ..peace.
      I'm really sorry you're going through this too.. .big, big hugs


        I am at work and it still doesn't help, the minutes tick over so slowly until I can call him at lunch and I desperately just want to keep texting him but I know how busy he is. I try not to think of him and stay busy but nothing works....I swear he is like an addiction I can't shake lol
        ​Yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever


          OMG this is what I love about this site. I thought I was the only one that felt and did that. I know the feeling. I try to stay busy and not think about how much I miss him but sometimes it just doesn't work and I end up crying or getting sad. It is the hardest thing to go through. I do my college work, work from home, talk to my family, take care of anything that needs to be taken care of and the sad thing is I take my sweet time doing all of these things so that time will pass by faster. But it doesn't work. I don't know how to fill the void of missing him so much but I do know that the worst thing you can do is let your mind run and take you down a road that you don't want to go down. I know it is hard to keep busy but think of it from a positive point of view; you are not alone, you have all of us here going through the same thing and we can support each other through those hard times. When I am going through these moments and nothing else works I get on here, read some inspirational stories, try to help others while learning how to deal with the distance. And most of all I try to stay positive!!!


            i know i am not alone in this had hoped that somebody had the magic answer
            all well just keeping a breath and a day at the time
            it is the thought that it all get better one time that keeps you going on, but yeah! it takes a strong person to keep up an ldr!

            hugs for everybody who needs them!!!


              I know keeping myself busy with activities is not enough because my mind is always full of things about him, missing him...
              So I started to exercise more, learn how to ease my mind by reading, there are some really good books teaching how to free our minds from worries and anxiety (my favourite book is How to stop worrying and start living).
              You can also do Yoga. It really helps.
              Another thing I do is creating a personal blog It is my new hobby now, to update my blog daily.
              I even keep reminding myself that my freedom only lasts till I close the distance with him, so I enjoy it heheh (even though we arent able to close the distance as we planed due to his new project of work, we plan to meet for 2 weeks every 3 months until the project is finished).
              I make lots of beauty mask for face and take better care of my body skin... with the mindset that I will look better every time he sees me.
              I hope those ideas are somewhat usefull for you too


                exactly in same state now! what i did was:
                -speak with my male friend about my feelings.personally for me it helps as all my life i have been surrounded by guys as friends and speaking to them makes me feel little better (instead of speaking to girls who dont take my LDR seriously and advice me to "go have sex with someone hahaha you need to get laid") grrr
                -started (ok forced myself) to sketch again.aka do the thing i used to enjoy.even if you dont want,do it! you'll get in flow soon
                - totally amazing website check it out
                and allow yourself some little pleasures,like a bottle of wine or a cake hugs for everyone who experiences the same feeling!


                  Hi, just looked at Nice, thank for this Irina.


                    that site is AWESOME!!!!! thanks really love that!
                    and yeah forcing yourself to do stuff that to!
                    @thanh that are things i do too, trying to lose weight take better care for myself i have a scrapbook where i put in fun and loving things but there are days that you just bounce of the walls and want to tear stuff down
                    like i said we taking those days one at the time


                      Sometimes I just can't get out of that mood, so I just let myself be sad and angry and frustrated. I'll stomp around the house a bit, eat chocolate, drink lots of tea, and just be. I'm pretty good at not letting my mood affect how I treat my housemates, so it's fine if I have a day now and again where I just let go. I know it's not for everyone, but sometimes just accepting that I can't always shake the feeling, and enjoying allowing myself to be angry and sad can be liberating.


                        that is true to maybe just let go once in a while.. now i am trying to pute them aside..


                          I blog, it doesn't always find its way to my internet site, but just getting those feelings out of my head and into a somewhat organized form where I can sort through them helps me immensely. I also try to find other ways to busy my mind, housework is a great one, reading is good, exercise works wonders! When I exercise I feel like I am doing something incredible for the both of us, making myself more attractive to him and getting more healthy so we can have a longer life together.

                          When all else fails, try writing him a letter describing your feelings, then either send it to him, or save it to give to him in person. Sharing what you feel with your SO is a great way to bond and bridge the gap. Chances are, he feels the same way.


                            Thanks for sharing the site Irina, love it!!


                              Originally posted by arrah5 View Post
                              When all else fails, try writing him a letter describing your feelings, then either send it to him, or save it to give to him in person. Sharing what you feel with your SO is a great way to bond and bridge the gap. Chances are, he feels the same way.
                              In principle I think this is a good idea, but it depends on how often you do it. It really doesn't help bringing both of you down all the time... I am saying this because I tend to do this. I talk to him about it.. but i now feel like a bit of a whiney kill joy.

