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I miss my SO less when..

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    I miss my SO less when..

    So I'm in bed getting ready to sleep and thinking about my before bedtime habits. Every night before I sleep, I listen to voice clips of my SO telling me he loves and misses me. I look at some photos. I also keep copy paste some of our sweet or dirty conversations onto my phone so I can read them before bed or on the go. These things help me feel close to my love and help me feel better even when he can't be avaliable to help.

    What I'm wondering is if anyone out there has anything in particular thst helps them feel close to their long distance loves? I know my SO brings some of the things I've made for him when he goes on business trips so that he feels close to me and today he asked where I was in town so that he could picture me there. What do you do, ladies and gents?

    I sleep with two of his shirts tight against my chest every night. Also, lately I've been listening to a particular song that reminds me of him and it helps relax me when i'm hurting.
    Made it official: 12-01-10
    First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
    Closed the distance: 07-31-13


      I read old conversations and (my) diary entries about him. It reminds me that everything will be okay and that he loves me. Sometimes, I write about him or jot down our conversations, since that's when most of the really meaningful exchanges happen.

      I look at/edit my "Moving to Tampa" checklist. Makes me feel like I have a handle on our separation.
      Our separation so abides, and flies,
      That thou, residing here, go'st yet with me,
      And I, hence fleeting, here remain with thee.


        I imagine these little stories about how things will be like when we close the distance. They're not particularly special moments or anything, just random scenes from our every day life once the distance is over. If we're chatting at the moment, I share them with him. He loves it, and I find them soothing. They give me a sense of 'normalcy' and remind me why it's all worth it.

        Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


          I miss my SO less when... we're together ;D

          Seeing as that's not possible, I do the next best thing: wear his t-shirt to bed every night and his hoodie when I go out running.


            I miss him less when he's being a jerk.


              I read through old text conversations, I have photos on my desk of both our first photo and the one of the latest ones I like best. I think of the way he'd make me laugh and tell me something in a self-deprecating voice. I think of how happy he makes me, how happy I make him. I know he kept the DVD I made him of videos. I did a home made DVD of theme tunes and songs from shows he likes, I also wrote a song about him, which makes him giggle. I know he watches that when he misses me. I'll play the song I wrote for him or watch the video when I miss him because it was a jokey song that was designed to make us think of each other. I read through old emails (I don't have our first few because my main PC crashed and I lost A LOT of them, but some of them are on my laptop) or I'll read the private tumblr we have. It's got snippets of conversations we've had, photos, the story of how we met and where we're going in our LDR. It's just enough to make me smile. Him too!

              But mostly I miss him less when I randomly get a text saying how he's thinking of me. That always brings a smile to my face.

              EDIT: OH, and I forgot that I also wear the Love hoddie he got me for Christmas one year. I wear it all the time, and hate when it has to go in the wash.
              Joey & Scott
              Met: April 2002
              Lost Contact: August 2002
              Reconnected: April 2010
              Together: May 20th 2010

              [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin


                Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
                I miss him less when he's being a jerk.
                Sounds like you might be having a bad day. *BEAR HUGS*


                  I miss her less when I watch cooking shows...she's studying to be a chef, and she loves cooking shows, so it makes me feel kinda part of her passion!

                  "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
                  Married April 18th, 2015!!
                  Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


                    I constantly miss my SO. We also send voice recordings as well. But what we also do is pretend were dancing together and falling asleep in each others arms. It feels so real.


                      Reading through all the replies confuses me! Thinking about my SO or doing anything that reminds me of him makes me miss him more because he's not there to enjoy it with me! D:

                      I miss my SO less when he's at work and I'm piled up to my ears in school work, I don't dwell on his absence as much.

                      Met: 8.17.09
                      Started Dating: 8.20.09
                      First Met: 10.2.10
                      Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                        I put a big USA flag on my bed and sometimes I like to wear it or sleep with it too. When I miss him the most I read our old texts, look at his pictures, listen to songs he sent to me or to his voice recordings I like to imagine how our life will be like when we are finally together.
                        I miss him less when we can text and talk to the phone and see each other on webcams


                          I miss him less when we talk less... it's kind of a weird thing . right now I am trying to spend less time with him, skype less, just chat.. and I miss hanging out with him like that, but i want him to be with me less intensely and the feeling of longing isn't there all the time anymore.

                          Also.. I always thought it's kind of neat we started out chatting a lot. Because now we have a written account of the evolution of our relationship. IRL relationships don't have that ... so yeah.. take that CD! LDR are better that way


                            All of this things make me miss him more, but at the same time, I feel closer to him when:
                            -I drink tea (he always has a cup nearby and I sometimes can't follow the tempo and have a few full ones on my desk when he's around - he always makes tea for me too)
                            -I try to cook something really fancy - he's SUCH a good cook, my goal is to find as many good recipes as I can before he gets here, so that I can compete too
                            -I listen to his iPod he gave me, full of music that he loves
                            -I walk around the city and discover new places I will have to show him when we finally CLOSE THE DISTANCE - 32 more days, it is coming!


                              I am sleeping with him every night talking on viber and listening his snoring if he is lucky, or he is listening my snoring but maybe 2 or maximum 3 days in a week I fall asleep alone (when he is with his friends and I am in 3 hours future) but he always calls me and wakes me up and during these days it gets hurd to fall asleep without talking to him so I am seeing our pictures together or that pictures he is sending to me and reading things too

