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Ahh hes coming to see me hopefully soon!!! Advice!!

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    Ahh hes coming to see me hopefully soon!!! Advice!!

    So, my parents weren't taking my LDR too well and my SO really wants to meet them and put them at ease. He has firefighter training coming up and he wants to see me before then. I don't know when he's coming but I'm going to be such a mess when he comes. What in the world should I do? Im thinking I'll just run to him cause I'm aching to finally hold him but I don't know. What did you do when you met your SO? Eek I can't wait!!

    Just do what feels right. There is no real 'way' of doing it.


      amen to that!!! i am still thinking about it to!
      are my emotions getting the better hand will i hug him, say a careful hello, kiss him??
      hell i dont know just going with the flow, maybe i just poke at him to see if he's reall lol!!!


        Haha I know! Funny thing is, we flirt and goof off a lot on messages. But I love him to death and I want it to be perfect.

        Originally posted by dragonlady View Post
        amen to that!!! i am still thinking about it to!
        are my emotions getting the better hand will i hug him, say a careful hello, kiss him??
        hell i dont know just going with the flow, maybe i just poke at him to see if he's reall lol!!!


          Oh, I'm so excited for you!!!

          I'd go with what feels right, that's usually the best idea.

          When I first saw him after 8 years, I went up to him, said hi and gave him a hug. The second time, he grabbed me into a hug and kissed my cheek
          Joey & Scott
          Met: April 2002
          Lost Contact: August 2002
          Reconnected: April 2010
          Together: May 20th 2010

          [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin


            It depends on the person. You can have the best idea of what you'll do and things could go completely different anyway. When my SO was getting on the plane before we were in a relationship, he gave me the most awkward kiss in the world. While we were apart we spent a lot of time talking about what we would do when we saw each other again. He planned on kissing me right away to make up for the last but when he walked off the plane we were both so shy that we waited until we were in the car to get in our kiss. I love remembering that because even though it wasn't what we planned, it was still magical for me.

            Long story short, go with the flow! You'll know when the time comes


              The funny thing is. Once he starts his training, they usually want a 5 year commitment and I was okay with that because he said he knows nm isn't going to be his permanent home one day. But this morning he said he doesnt know if he can wait 5 years anymore." It's got me pretty happy and hopeful.


                CHILL hahahaha seriously,you gotta chill otherwise you wont be able to properly relax and prepare for his visit but i totally understand you,i would be going crazy if i were you and do whatever heart tells ya


                  Awww, hahaha Do whatever comes natural! I ran up and hugged Daniel when I first saw him (I think i scared him a bit LOL)
                  Made it official: 12-01-10
                  First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
                  Closed the distance: 07-31-13


                    Aww lol. Yeah I'll probably cry knowing me. It's going to be such a wonderful day when I finally get to hold him!

                    Originally posted by Black_Halloween View Post
                    Awww, hahaha Do whatever comes natural! I ran up and hugged Daniel when I first saw him (I think i scared him a bit LOL)


                      What you should do is not try to plan your reaction because you aren't in that moment yet and it will not go as planned the majority of the time unless you force it.

                      The first time I was nervous and stood around all awkwardly for a while and we shook hands lol. The second time I got into the house before he got home (he know I was there though) and he came in, looked at me, and said "don't hug me.. I'm sweaty" because he had been down the street playing basketball with his friends LOL.
                      "Babe, I'm totally murdering everyone in this building right now! ... You would be so proud of me."
                      This. This is only one of the reasons that I love this man. XD

                      "I'll surrender up my heart and swap it for yours."
                      Por siempre, mi amor. ♥


                        My first meeting with Stephen was picture-esque! I was so nervous to finally be able to see him and touch him, but the second I saw him walking through the gates I just lost all the nerves. He walked up to me and put his arms around me and I held his waist, and I laid my head on his chest and kissed his neck. And then we kissed and left the airport hand-in-hand.

                        NOW, our second meeting, I was in a bad mood that day, and he wasn't feeling great so meeting at the airport wasn't that great. But the rest of the trip was wonderful.

                        It just comes out. You can't really "plan" on how it will go, because it won't happen the way you think it will. Just let whatever happens happen. It'll be wonderful.


                          Keep in mind that real-life is so different than electronic talking, texting, seeing, and whatnot. Sometimes the level of comfort you feel with this person via text message or phone conversations doesn't translate to real life situations. When I first got to see my SO, after our itintial chance meeting, we had talked for a while through text and messengers and gotten to know each other, being with him in real- life was awesome, but also awkward. Our first kiss was clumsy, and holding hands was weird, but we got into the swing of things and the kisses became natural, and our hands began to fit together, and things became less uncomfortable.

                          I'm just saying, don't expect fireworks and puzzles falling together, be realistic about the meeting, and try not to pressure yourself to make it perfect. Enjoy yourself, and let things happen the way they will, and if on the off chance that you both go in for a kiss, but he was aiming for your mouth while you were aiming for his cheek and he ends up kissing your nose, keep a good sense of humor, and let it roll off your shoulder. But hey, if fireworks happen, and puzzle pieces fall into place then good for you!

