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You should just cheat on them, they'll never know

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    You should just cheat on them, they'll never know

    So ironically, I was commenting about this phrase just today. I then went to work where my manager told me that my SO is probably cheating on me anyway, so I should just sleep around. Afterall, he would never know.

    I have no use for it and try not to let it bother me. I know there are lots of other people out there who have gotten this treatment, so what is your favourite comeback? I need some material for the next time this woman brings it up.


    I just roll my eyes and don't say anything really.

    My boss jokes about Daniel and I breaking up. Shit like "When's he coming back, never? LOL" it pissed me off but I don't wanna get fired so I just have to hold my tongue -____-
    Made it official: 12-01-10
    First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
    Closed the distance: 07-31-13


      Honestly, cheating can happen regardless if you are LD or CD. It's part of all relationships so when it is brought up 99% of the time I just ignore it. One of my best friends is constantly point out faults in my relationship though. She usually shuts up pretty quickly when I turn around and point out faults in her relationship as well. I wouldn't recommend that though unless it is someone who isn't going to be overly offended by you.


        "I would apprieciate if we kept my private life out of the work place, my private life is just that to me- PRIVATE." Done.


          i would reply with something:
          wow you have must been cheated alot to say something like that! or been the one that has been cheating!!!


            Eh? I wouldn't say anything. A cheetah doesn't care what dogs say.


              nice!! i will remember that one!!


                Especially given that it's a manager, I wouldn't say anything. Whenever I had people tell me something like that, I shrugged my shoulders and didn't let it bother me. The more I let something bother me, the more I found it usually happened. If it's something someone is obsessively bringing up, I would probably say, "I appreciate you being concerned, but I'm able to form my own opinions and make my own decisions about my relationship. I respect that you have your opinion, but please respect that I have mine."


                  When people used to say "He's probably cheating on you" or "how do you know he's not sleeping around?" I'd say "There's no way anyone could masturbate that much and still be satisfying a woman". Generally they were so horrified by this statement they wouldn't bring it up again haha.

                  No one ever suggested I should cheat but if they did I'd give them the fish eye and be all like "That's flattering, but you're not my type" regardless of gender!
                  Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                    LOL @ not-my-type comment.

                    I've never had someone tell me this. With my ex, people mostly went the "he isn't safe" route if they knew we met online. Since we're in school, people seem to be slightly more understanding about my current relationship.


                      I once had a client who said that it was pretty convenient that my SO lives on the other side of the world, because he's probably cheating on me!
                      It really pissed me off, but I knew I had to stay calm and professional, so I just said, "If I had one ounce of distrust in him, I wouldn't be with him."
                      He had no come back to that


                        Originally posted by Zephii View Post
                        When people used to say "He's probably cheating on you" or "how do you know he's not sleeping around?" I'd say "There's no way anyone could masturbate that much and still be satisfying a woman". Generally they were so horrified by this statement they wouldn't bring it up again haha.

                        No one ever suggested I should cheat but if they did I'd give them the fish eye and be all like "That's flattering, but you're not my type" regardless of gender!
                        I'm replying purely for the joy of saying how much I love this comment.

                        But yes, trust me, I understand everyone assuming he's going to cheat on you. Just take their comments with dignity and know you and your SO are strong, good, wonderful people who don't buy into those stereotypes.
                        "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


                          If it's a superior at work, as frustrating as it is, you just have to keep your mouth shut. It's not worth it. For anyone else, I couldn't recommend Zephii's answer more

                          That said, with us living in a world that grows more connected every minute, these kind of comments should wane in time. The few times people have said I could cheat and he'd never know, I answer with "well yeah, but I'D know."
                          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                            I have a co-worker that is interested in a relationship with me. But he didn't bring it up until I was no longer available. (I'm not interested in him anyways) We have been close friends for over 4 years now. When I got into this relationship, he told me it would never last, but if I needed a little "pick me up" in between visits with my new guy, that he was available to help.
                            I just tell him that won't be necessary cause we have everything under control.


                              It's hard to explain that this bothers me but it doesn't. I'd rather not hear it, but it's not like it shakes my faith in what I've decided to do. The place I live is a small town with very little in the way of intelligent life, and I'm stating a fact, not just saying it to be mean.

                              I have dated some of the men around my province and I had a lot of trouble trying to find someone worth spending a life with. Some boyfriends had trouble giving me the time of day. My SO spent a ton of money, put off his schooling for a year, flew to Canada to live for 2.5 months and proves that he cares about me every single day. Why would I settle for anything less than that ever again?

                              The discussion today went on for a bit and they talked about how if their SO's went away for a couple months, they'd break up with them, go find someone else and tell their SO to call them when they got back. To me that sounds an awful lot like having no clue what love really is. In the long run each time the comment is made I end up feeling sorry for the person making it. It makes me sad that they've might never believed in something as much as I believe in this. It makes me feel lucky to have what I have. When I told my SO what was said he just simply said "I would never cheat on you, you don't deserve that." And I believe him.

