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Moments that give you chills :)

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    Moments that give you chills :)

    Maybe this is a strange topic. I mean, as much as I believe in fate, I don't necessarily believe in "signs"...just pleasant coincidences. So anyway, on with the story...

    My SO lives in Brazil. The school year runs differently there than it does in the U.S. and since he was an exchange student in the U.S., he missed the first semester of his senior year in Brazil. Their second semester just started Monday. Now, this whole him being back in school thing has seriously hindered the 4+ hour Skype video calls we had gotten used to every night. It's two hours later there than it is here, and he goes to bed around 9:00 or 10:00 now since he's back in school. That's 7:00 or 8:00 my time. To give me something to do once he went to bed for the last three nights, I've been writing him an email for when he gets home from school before I go to sleep. So tonight, I'm listening to my iTunes as usual, just finishing up on my email, getting ready to go. And I'm missing him bad. Like, on the verge of tears bad. As I'm writing about how much I miss him, the song changes. And the new song isn't just any old song. It's the song that I consider to be "our" song. Like, I don't know, it just fits us. So anyway, something about the whole situation just brightened my mood a little. I still cried, but I felt a little better than I did before.

    Which brings me to my point...
    Have any of you guys had an experience like this, when you were feeling a little down about missing your SO and something reminded you of them really specifically? Did it make you feel better? Or did it make you miss them more?

    Oh, and, just for fun, this is the song:

    A week ago I was backreading a thread we used to post heavily in for years (like 05 to just last January) that was a chat thread for the roleplay we were both in and had been in since 04. I was doing it to try and find an old link since the site only saves so many of your posts in the post archive section and came across this three page long non-canon chat we did one night when I couldn't sleep between our characters and aside from nostalgia it was kinda eerie because what we wrote is basically how we act now.

    A couple days ago I was dealing with some things and I was missing him/worrying about him and my walkman kept throwing up Frank Sinatra songs. Which, yeah is pretty cheesy, but it reminded me of the one time I was talking to him and "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" came on and I started laughing and told him about it. He just smiled and said, "it's true."

    Usually when these things happen it makes me feel better because I'm remembering good times with him. Or if I see places or things when I'm out, they make me think of things we'd do or something he'd say about it. It makes me feel closer to him than normal in terms of distance, but sadly only proverbially.


      Have any of you guys had an experience like this, when you were feeling a little down about missing your SO and something reminded you of them really specifically? Did it make you feel better? Or did it make you miss them more?
      When I'm down and depressed... it usually makes me miss my SO more. But at the same time I feel happy, because I know that I have her. That she's there. Even if I can't see or touch her at the moment. Just knowing that I have her... makes everything better.


        before i answer your question let me just say there is no such thing as coincidences i dont believe in them anymore i havent for awhile, but to answer your question normally if im upset and something reminds me of her it actually will upset me more because all i want is to be in her arms


          Whenever I miss my SO, I look through my phone and look at the cute text messages that I've saved from him. It always makes me feel special that I have my SO. Even though he's so far away I wouldn't want to not be with him. He makes so happy and I remember all the good times that we've had. He makes me so happy and that's all that matters! The distance doesn't matter when I know how happy he makes me


            Moments when I have the chills is when I look back over the old text messages he sent me. The things he said gave me more hope to make it in the relationship. It's those little things he do that make it up big time with me and vice versa. He even sends pics of himself smiling at me, mostly everyday. That shows me that he is happy as can be with me and that he wants to be with me for a long time (hopefully lol).

            Those are some of the things that gives me the chills all the time!

            ♥Now on we go♥
            ♥To where no one knows♥
            ♥But I know, that I love you even more♥
            ♥Tears we cry♥
            ♥Asking myself why♥
            ♥Did I let the only one that I love go♥
            ♥You were meant for me♥
            ♥Darling can't you see♥
            ♥This is your song♥
            Your song (For you) By Glenn Lewis

            You'll be my hubby and I'll be your wifey, so let's be together in bliss for "lifey" lol
            (I know it's cheesy, just bare with the siggy XP)


              Well my SO just recently visited in July, and before he left i could barely keep myself composed and when i got home i noticed there were a bunch of papers on my bed, he had left me a bunch of letters that described how he felt about me and etc, and i honestly bursted out in tears and now everytime i look at them i can't help but get chills and start to cry, because what he said was so meaningful and he never talks about his feelings.

