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What does your SO do to make you laugh/happy?

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    What does your SO do to make you laugh/happy?

    I just thought I wanted to post a positive thread so here it is. Name a thing your SO does to make you laugh, and a thing he/she does to make you happy. Here's mine for today.

    My SO makes me laugh whenever he sways his naked butt to the beat of a funny music on Skype.

    He makes me happy whenever he says, "Mrs.*his last name*" or "wife" while referring to me.

    Hehe The naked butt thing made me laugh.

    He makes faces on Skype and sends me funny pics of himself making faces (he is a big kid) He entertains both me and my kids and makes us laugh over Skype.
    He jokes a lot and teases me a lot
    He makes me happy just by being him and being mine. But also with sending care packages now and then, if I ever ask something/want something he does it. We chat every morning (messenger), Skype nowadays on weekend mornings, and Skype most evenings. Text messages/emails in between sometimes. And we send good night text messages EVERY night. He showers me with pressies (Christmas, birthday etc), looks after me when I go and visit him. He is lovely
    He hasn't said the three magic words but shows it everyday in his actions. And best of all he likes me for me and doesn't try to change me and vice versa

    I guess this one is a keeper!


      My SO does so many things that make me laugh/happy so I'll name two things he did today that made me laugh and happy.

      He made me laugh today but sending a text saying almost exactly what I was thinking! He had a really good day at work and was wishing he could celebrate (I won't go into detail since this isn't the adult forum) with me

      He made me smile today when he randomly FaceTimed me during his break
      Our love story:
      Attended the same high school 2004-2007
      Dated CD: June 2009-July 2010
      Reconnected: August 2012
      Began dating LD: November 2012
      Engaged! March 2014
      Closing the distance: December 2015


        He makes me laugh when he's cooking because he does this weird thing with his hands and hums while he's getting everything ready. I can't describe it, but it makes me giggle every time

        He makes me happy because, while he isn't a romantic guy naturally, he does little things that mean a lot. You know how when things get serious, a guy might give a girl her own drawer in his room? SO got an entire dresser for me. Yes, it's only a dresser, but how can you not love the fact that he wanted to make sure I had room for whatever I need


          He makes me laugh when he takes my hands and has me "beat him up." It's so funny and he does these little noises with it.

          He makes me smile when he does little things that I wouldn't think about. The last time he was here I was curled up on my bed and I was in a bad mood with a headache. And he laid down next to me and rubbed my back and head, and my phone alarm went off for my birth control and I didn't move. So he got me water and my pill and brought it to me.

          I miss him...


            He makes me laugh when he makes faces over Skype. It's both cute and funny
            He makes me laugh when his german accent comes out. When he says "huge" for example
            He makes me laugh when he is talking about something and while doing so, he randomly starts pulling his hair (softly, nothing crazy hehehe)
            Awww many more. He really is good at making me laugh

            He makes me happy when tells me I am the woman he ever wanted
            He makes me happy when he share stuff with me (from the silliest to the most serious)
            He makes me happy when he surprises me
            He makes me happy because he understands me, supports me, listen to me, dreams with me, makes time for me/the relationship, he cares, etc


              I've had such an unpleasant day that I'm going to use this to focus on the good!

              My SO is fantastic. Whenever I sign onto Skype, he's usually making a funny face to get a reaction out of me.
              It always makes me laugh when we watch a gory movie/TV show and he cringes. So cute!
              He tells me beautiful things to make me smile, like that he loves me. I'll say something and he'll always have a beautiful response to it. Me: You'll be able to sleep next to me for 90 nights. Him: Forever.
              He makes me happy because sometimes I'm moody and mean and he stands by me anyway. It means so much to me.
              He makes me laugh when he dances around. He loves his music and goes to parties where his favourite DJs play, so sometimes he'll just be listening to his music and dancing around. I love that about him.
              He makes me laugh when I go to my dumb job and he tells me not to kill anyone.
              He makes me happy because he dreams of and works toward a future with me and for someone who thought she would be an old hypo-allergenic cat lady, that's pretty special.
              He makes me happy when he tries. He's not the most experienced at being a boyfriend and when he does thoughtful things like cooking supper or sending little supportive messages, it means a lot to me.

              He makes me happy because he is the best thing I have in my life.


                Just in general...

                My boyfriend makes me laugh when he makes bathroom humor jokes (I swear I'm an adult).
                My boyfriend makes me happy when he stops being silly for a moment to talk to me about serious (but lighthearted) matters.
                Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
                Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
                Engaged: 09/26/2020


                  Me SO makes me laugh when he tells me about his annoying "stomping" neighbor in the apartment above him, who stomps around his apartment and through the whole building. You can hear him coming and going he walks so loud.

                  He makes me happy when he calls me by the nickname he gave me or uses the nickname I gave him when referencing himself. Lol.
                  *First visit- 6/15/13-6/29/13*

                  *Second Visit- 6/21/14-7/5/14*

                  *My part of the K-1 Visa approved on 10/23/14*

                  *Fiancé had his Medical Appt. on 2/16/15*

                  *Fiancé's Visa Interview Appt and approved on 4/13/15*

                  *Fiancé received his Fiance Visa on 4/20/15*

                  *Closing the distance on 5/22/15*


                    um okay this is a good thread! Focusing on the positive, I like it! It's a bit difficult though because although he makes me laugh a lot and makes me happy a lot, it's hard to pin point exactly what.. but good to think about. Here are the first few I could think of. The laugh one was a bit harder because that tends to be at more random things whilst the happy one was easier because it's more general I think.

                    My SO makes me laugh when... he jokes about, he uses humour as an ice breaker and also it helps cheer me up or make me smile or laugh. When he has used the webcam tool thing to change his face and image around (dunno what to call it but it has all those random effects and comes with your particular webcam usually, but not really usable in normal conversation but fun every once in awhile)..

                    My SO makes me happy when... he talks about the future with me, our future home, our future family, our wedding, etc. When he calls me his wife or Mrs [his last name], when he buys me something I was saying I wanted or needed, when he's happy about something..


                      Just the facial expression and the sounds she makes make me laugh to be honest!! She is just funny in general :P

                      "Buddha made you for me" - My SO

                      1st Met/Visit: Nov 2012 - Thailand
                      2nd Visit: May 2013 - Thailand
                      3rd Visit: Jun 2013 - Thailand
                      4th Visit: Sep 2013 - Thailand
                      5th Visit: Sep 2013 - Jan 2014 - UK
                      6th Visit: Apr 2014 - Thailand - Marry
                      7th Visit: Sept 14th 2014 - Thailand - Wedding Ceremony / Party
                      Close the distance - Sept 21st 2014 - UK
                      UK Wedding Party: November 8th 2014


                        When LD:
                        He makes me laugh when he reads out loud when he misspells something.. like when he typed "hoardags" instead of "hotdogs".. it made me laugh for SOOO long!!
                        He makes me smile when he talks to his guinea pig. She is evil, but he loves her a lot so they fight sometimes.
                        For example: Yesterday he asked her if I looked pretty today and she was just looking around for food in her cage so he said "she's like 'get the f*ck outta here, I'm just looking for my food'"

                        When CD:
                        He makes me laugh with all his silly ideas.. like impersonating a legless tiger or creating an avalanche (which means he just throws all the blankets and pillows on top of me), or the ejection seat when I sit on his lap or he pulls down his beanie a bit over his eyes, turns away and then turns towards me saying "Sor--beeeet" ... Yeah he is silly :P
                        He makes me happy when he's bragging about me very subtly while I'm around.. enough to make me feel embarassed, but also proud in a sense :P

                        Relationship began: 05/22/2012
                        First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
                        Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
                        Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
                        Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
                        Married: 1/24/2015
                        Became Resident: 9/14/2015


                          This is a great thread

                          He makes me laugh when he tells me about his week in a silly, sometime self-deprecating way. It's the tone of his voice and the way he speaks. Sometimes he tells funny jokes that would only make sense to me and him, but they always bring a smile to my face!

                          He makes me smile when I pick up the phone and he says "hey [nickname]" and I hadn't been expecting his call, he makes me smile when we talk about our future together when he's being serious one moment and joking the next. He makes me smile when he talks to me about anything and when he sends a funny text.

                          Basically, he makes me laugh and smile a whole lot!
                          Joey & Scott
                          Met: April 2002
                          Lost Contact: August 2002
                          Reconnected: April 2010
                          Together: May 20th 2010

                          [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin


                            He made me laugh today when he made silly funny faces on skype and tried to speak italian haha so cute
                            He made me so happy today when he sang me happy birthday :3


                              He makes me laugh when he accidentally knocks the webcam upside down on his computer. He makes me laugh when I talk in a sweet buttery voice sometimes to get him to give in when I don't want to hang up. He makes me happy when he tells me he's so giddy because he loves talking to me.

