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    I know this crossed my head before, but it popped up again. When my SO and I plan to finally end the distance (in about 3 years hopefully) I want to move up there with him. Canada, it's sure going to be weird, but I know I can adapt. And besides, I'll be with him, and that's all that matters...right? I looked back at all the things I would be giving up; my family, friends, and it kind of concerned me. I don't really feel bad for leaving my family though, since they aren't supportive in the least, but my friends. I don't make friends easily, and I was really pondering this. I guess it's true, you have to make sacrifices to be with the ones you love. I know it's easier when the distance isn't too far, but it'd be a whole different country on the other side of the continent. Hmm...

    Have any of you made the move to be with your SO? What's it like?

    I can't answer your question, but I will be in the same situation. Probably 2 years from now. My SO lives in New Zealand and I live in Germany. Over 11,500 miles. It's a huge step, but I know that I want to be with my SO. Even though that means leaving my mom and my best friend. I'm really happy here because of them, but Germany is no option for my SO. She doesn't speak German. England would be closer, but we will see...


      I'm not the one who will be moving, but I definitely thought long and hard about this when we first started out. I don't know if I could handle moving away from all my friends, as I also don't make them easily. I would be okay being away from my family (my brother is already over seas) but I would feel bad leaving my parents since my brother is already gone. Especially my mom, who is single and has been for a long time. We don't live together, but I'm only 15 minutes away. I honestly don't know what I would do if it came right down to it, but I think I would make the move or hope for us both to move to a third location somewhere in the middle.

      Lucky for me, my SO wants to come here. Most of his friends have already moved away, he lives in a very small town and he's not terrible thrilled with his family and how they treat him. So it will still be scary, I'm sure, but I think he will eventually be happier here, one he has a chance to make some of his own friends.

      I think as long as you get a job so you're not cooped up in the house you will be okay. And if you can try joining some sort of club or sport so you can make some new friends. I TOTALLY understand how hard it can be, though.


        Like Nani said above, I can't live in Germany as I don't speak the language. I am trying to learn it though when I get enough spare time. My dad is from london, england and I have been there several times and it does feel like a second home to me. I always wanted to live in london. (In this circumstance I sometimes wish my parents had decided to live in my dads country and not my mothers!) but if we both move to england we both have to start from scratch. Whereas if one of us moves to where the other is its easier in that respect. But at the same time picturing my SO moving here..while I would love it so much of course, its makes me very sad at the thought of her leaving her mother and friends. Her and her mum are like best friends. And I don't want to ruin that. So who knows maybe I'll move to england which we be only a short trip from germany ha. We will see what happens in a few years.


          Everyone has to go through this, even if their SO moves somwhere new with them. One of you has to give up your surroundings to be with them. It's very difficult because even if you're not close to your family (my SO isn't and I don't like either side of my family) you're not going to see friends or locations you've known either your whole life again or for a long while as visits back on holidays or even once a year are still possible. Even though it's a while away, have you visited him in Canada yet? If not, research the area he lives in and see what's there you might like. Make a list of pros and cons about moving, it'll help you sort out your thoughts about it and just keep adding onto the list whenever you can think of anything, good or bad, and after a while look at it again and see what's trivial and what isn't. Remove the silly stuff and see just what side has more things. If you find the cons to have a way larger list, talk to him about it. Tell him your discomfort and why and see if you guys can fix the list together in a way you'll be happy with.

          And remember, nothing is ever set in stone. If you don't like it there then maybe he'd give the US a chance or guys could try another part of Canada.


            I'm somewhat in the same situation as you. In about 3 years, after I graduate college, me or my boyfriend are going to be moving. It will most likely be me because he has a full time job in Texas. I'm super close with my family and will be so sad when I move, but I know it will be worth it. My boyfriend promises me that we will be able to visit my family every few months. I know that I am going to have to make sacrifices for love. But in the end, I know that it will be worth it


              I'm kind of in the same situation. Although, my SO and I aren't as far apart as the two of you are. But, I plan on moving to Virginia in a few years, to be with him. I do love my family, and we always have family stuff going on alll the time, family parties and whatnot. And then I have my best friend here. And, like you, it's hard for me to make friends. I know I wont have this as much once I move, and I've been thinking about that lately. I know I can do it though, and I want to do it because I want to be with my SO. You truly do have to give things up for the ones you love. It's something you will probably get use to though, and you'll make a new life wherever you decide to live.

              It can work. I've known people who have moved for their SO's (military couples mostly), and they've had to give stuff up. It's totally worth it though, and you can always make visits back home when you have chances to. I know it's scary, even though we have a few years yet, but it will totally be worth it. Right?
              [CENTER]"To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive."


                I'm going to be moving in with my SO in about a year and half, and like you, I won't really mind getting away from my parents (lol), but with my friends, you can visit them occasionally just like you do with your SO, right? I think you have nothing to worry about, in the end, you'll realize you made the right choice :]


                  I'm in the same boat. I'm extremely close to my friends and family here. But I'll be moving to Guam to be with M. Thus is the life of a military bride.
                  "God I'm evil!" ~Me
                  "Yes you are. Now shut up and kiss me." ~AJ

                  Everyday apart is one day closer to being together again.


                    I'm going to be moving to Denmark from the US. I'll miss my family and friends, but like annamorgan said, trips can be made back to visit them. I'm not worried about it, because I'm going to be starting a life with my other half. Best thing ever Not too worried about adjusting either, because I know I'll have my SO's love and support.

