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My Love Story

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    My Love Story

    During my first year in college, I was hanging out in the lounge of my friends dorm with a bunch of people. Among those people was this girl named Sarah who was drinking a can of this soda that you can only get in this one area, the area where my family beach house is and I pretty much grew up there. I started talking to her and soon enough we became very close friends. She and I planned to head down to her place to go horseback riding. So it being her first semester in college, her friends (boys) from back home were looking at all of her new friends from college on Facebook and her friend Doug (my boyfriend) showed specific interest in me and it just so happened that the night that he saw my Facebook and talked to Sarah about me, was the night before I was headed down to come see Sarah to go horseback riding. So Sarah gave him my number and we started texting. We decided that the next morning we were all going to have breakfast together before Sarah and I went riding. We (Sarah, her boyfriend, me and Doug) all went to this small country deli the next morning where he did not say a sing word to me the entire time except the handshake goodbye after words. he did however, pay for everyone's meal. He texted me immediately after, just to talk and he later apologized for having not said anything. From then one we talked and texted 24/7.

    From our talks we actually found out that our houses (my beach house) are only 5 minutes from each other and we actually used to play with each other as kids. Because one of is best friends own property in my neighborhood so her parents used to bring him and her to the pool all the time and we used to play together. There are also a few events (like block parties) that we know we were both at at the same time.

    After about a month of talking he finally asked me out. He was planning to come up to my college and ask me in person but the weekend we planned, fell through because of hurricane Sandy. He's a local volunteer fire fighter so he needed to stay int he area that weekend. Halfway through the week after the weekend he was supposed to come up, he decided he couldn't wait anymore to make me his girlfriend. So he asked me over the phone with every intention to ask me again the next weekend when he finally came up to see me which was only the 2nd time (since we've "re-met") that we met in person. And we have been together ever since.

    With me being in college we are 4 hours away from each other. And when I am home we are 3 hours away. For the first 5 months of our relationship we made the distance work. He came up every few weekends to my house and stayed with me and my mom. And we actually spent the holidays together and things were going great. On April 2nd he left for Louisiana with the boat he works on. We knew it was coming since mid around February and now that he's gone, things are very different. We went from long distance to even longer distance.

    Originally posted by kmarie1293 View Post
    During my first year in college, I was hanging out in the lounge of my friends dorm with a bunch of people. Among those people was this girl named Sarah who was drinking a can of this soda that you can only get in this one area, the area where my family beach house is and I pretty much grew up there. I started talking to her and soon enough we became very close friends. She and I planned to head down to her place to go horseback riding. So it being her first semester in college, her friends (boys) from back home were looking at all of her new friends from college on Facebook and her friend Doug (my boyfriend) showed specific interest in me and it just so happened that the night that he saw my Facebook and talked to Sarah about me, was the night before I was headed down to come see Sarah to go horseback riding. So Sarah gave him my number and we started texting. We decided that the next morning we were all going to have breakfast together before Sarah and I went riding. We (Sarah, her boyfriend, me and Doug) all went to this small country deli the next morning where he did not say a sing word to me the entire time except the handshake goodbye after words. he did however, pay for everyone's meal. He texted me immediately after, just to talk and he later apologized for having not said anything. From then one we talked and texted 24/7.

    From our talks we actually found out that our houses (my beach house) are only 5 minutes from each other and we actually used to play with each other as kids. Because one of is best friends own property in my neighborhood so her parents used to bring him and her to the pool all the time and we used to play together. There are also a few events (like block parties) that we know we were both at at the same time.

    After about a month of talking he finally asked me out. He was planning to come up to my college and ask me in person but the weekend we planned, fell through because of hurricane Sandy. He's a local volunteer fire fighter so he needed to stay int he area that weekend. Halfway through the week after the weekend he was supposed to come up, he decided he couldn't wait anymore to make me his girlfriend. So he asked me over the phone with every intention to ask me again the next weekend when he finally came up to see me which was only the 2nd time (since we've "re-met") that we met in person. And we have been together ever since.

    With me being in college we are 4 hours away from each other. And when I am home we are 3 hours away. For the first 5 months of our relationship we made the distance work. He came up every few weekends to my house and stayed with me and my mom. And we actually spent the holidays together and things were going great. On April 2nd he left for Louisiana with the boat he works on. We knew it was coming since mid around February and now that he's gone, things are very different. We went from long distance to even longer distance.
    Does he work on a fishing boat, or is he in the military?

    First Visit: September 2016
    Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
    Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

    John 3:16
    For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
    John 4:12
    I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


      It sounds like you were meant to meet each other that respect my SO and I have a similar story, but completely different at the same time.

      How long until he returns home? What kind of work is it? Can you Skype or text each other?

      Welcome to LFAD. You're among friends here
      Joey & Scott
      Met: April 2002
      Lost Contact: August 2002
      Reconnected: April 2010
      Together: May 20th 2010

      [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin


        He works on a fishing boat


          He is supposedly going to be coming home fourth of July and then maybe a weekend in-between now and then, but he does not come home for good until around the end of October, which our one year anniversary on the 29th.

          We have talked about how we think we were meant for each other. He literally is my best friend and my other half. Just at times it gets hard to accept that now he's even further away, we were 100% fine when he was only 4 hours away which was a lot in the beginning, now I'd give anything to have that back. But I have no doubt we will make it through, and now finding this forum with so many nice people experiencing the same kind of things, make me feel even more confident that we will make. From the stories I've read already, everyone on here is such an inspiration to me and Have given more hope than anything. And I hope I can help give others some hope too with my story.


            Your story is so sweet! It sounds like something out of a movie which I love since I'm a hopeless romantic. I can definitely see where you talk about how you were meant to be together. Welcome to the site and I hope your next visit is soon!


              That's really sweet! My SO and I met in a very coincidental way as well, so this story resonated with me, too.

              Best of luck to both of you!
              "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning

