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    Everyone, I read everything you guys had to say but I also want to mention that leaving him is not an option. I don't want to leave him and he is the same. I love him to bits and he loves me more than that. I understand when I wrote here I only told my side of the story and exaggerated a bit in anger but he loves me to death. He has changed dramatically for me and does everything for me and I'm the same.

    I don't know why this is happening. There are just so many stresses in our lives and I just want him to be as understanding of me as I feel I am of him. SeeRat and LadyDaemon, you guys are right. Some people do take more time to cool off and I can't make him work like me but it's just really sad for me. And rawrimolivia you're right too. He said he only leaves because he needs time to think about his mistakes and give me time to think about mine and come up with ways to make up with me. He hates being away from me too but he gets really scared of hurting me.

    I love him.. I really do. And he loves me too. And seeing us like this today is hurting me. And seeing me hurt is hurting him. I wish there was couples counselling for LDRs like us =( I really want us to be happy again but I also feel scared of being myself with him that he'll hurt me again.. :'(
    All relationships go through shit.
    Real relationships get through shit.


      Originally posted by HisRaven View Post
      I don't know why this is happening. There are just so many stresses in our lives and I just want him to be as understanding of me as I feel I am of him. SeeRat and LadyDaemon, you guys are right. Some people do take more time to cool off and I can't make him work like me but it's just really sad for me. And rawrimolivia you're right too. He said he only leaves because he needs time to think about his mistakes and give me time to think about mine and come up with ways to make up with me. He hates being away from me too but he gets really scared of hurting me.
      Good to know you were able to talk it with him. It is clear to you now that he requires more time to cool off so all you need to do is give him that time and space when he needs it. He himself said he wants this to think about his mistakes thats a good sign its way better than keep fighting and hurt eachother.
      When leaving is not an option than you both need to compromise bit. Every one face those stresses in life but thats how life is... There are bumps in the road , rough times, but life goes on.. Forgive eachother and be happy together try not to go away from eachother for days or week it only worsens the situation. Give each other time and try to figure this out. I wish you good luck..


        Originally posted by SeeRat View Post
        Forgive eachother and be happy together try not to go away from eachother for days or week it only worsens the situation. Give each other time and try to figure this out. I wish you good luck..
        Thanks SeeRat.. I hope we get past this. He wants that, he's willing and when he knew about how I really felt he wanted to do more. I hope I develop the patience needed for us.

        Thanks everyone.
        All relationships go through shit.
        Real relationships get through shit.

