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Tanja & Andy -update :)

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    Tanja & Andy -update :)

    Hi everyone!

    Andy's been here for 3 weeks now and there's another 2,5 left - time goes by so quickly! Although I gained another 4 days with him cause I was under the impression he's leaving on the 16th but it turns out he isn't until the 20th so YAY for that

    We haven't been up to too much cause I'm working everyday so this hasn't been a proper holiday for us unfortunately - ELO!!!´- (that's Andy saying hi ) but it's been nice, we went to see INCEPTION which was f***ing AMAZING, seriously, the best film I've ever seen! And Leo was in it, ahhhh ♥

    Anyway, back to the point

    Erm, Andy played football in my village's team again (and scored 3 goals!) he did it last year also and the players already welcomed him to next year's game which was really nice cause I really want him to feel homey and comfortable in here and meet new people

    He had a ride in my dad's rally car which was a new experience for him, he loved it obviously cause he loves roller coasts and heights etc. which is pretty much all the things I hate or am afraid of

    we had the biggest storm in years in here yesterday, it completely destroyed a camping area not far from my house (7km's = 4-5 miles), it went on for hours and hours and it was a nightmare for me because I've got astraphobia and as some of you already know a lightning hit my house in May so I was expecting to die
    I went to the shop and Andy waited in the car and counted 41 lightning strikes while I was there for about 5 minutes
    They had to close the shop then because the storm blacked out our entire village

    But we survived it - YAY again! - and now we're getting ready for another one on Monday apparently, great.

    We've planned our future too and for now we've decided that once Andy goes home he'll try to find a job and save up for 2 years so when he moves here he's got some financial security and work experience to back him up which will hopefully help him get a job. In the meantime he's going to learn Finnish as much as he can online and then take a course when he moves here. I've also asked my sister's bf to teach Andy how to drive on snow and ice because the majority of the year it's snowy and slippery in here and they don't have that kind of conditions in Wales.

    Lots of plans made and our to-do-list of the summer still has LOADS of things on it, like going ring-window-shopping, having a romantic picnic, watching the clouds and some other stuff that's too private to mention in here

    Sorry for the long post, I was planning on doing a quick update but this got out of my hands

    Hope everyone is well and I'll be back to vent/rant/whine after Andy's gone back home

    Originally posted by Tanja View Post

    I've also asked my sister's bf to teach Andy how to drive on snow and ice because the majority of the year it's snowy and slippery in here and they don't have that kind of conditions in Wales.
    Yes they do, I had a massive skid in Wales last January. But yeah, it's by no means Finland

    I liked reading all your good news, enjoy the rest of your time together!


      Sounds like you guys are having a great time! I hope you get to finish off your to-do list.
      First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14


        Sounds wonderful! So happy you're enjoying your trip!!!


          Thanks all

          We just went to get lots paint and brushes and we're gonna use this weekend to paint my house - it's gonna be messy but fun!


            Haha, I made Frank go ring-window shopping before! It was awhile ago, I told him he needed to know my ring size anyway. So we went around the mall pretending we were looking for a ring, and had someone size my ring finger I'm a 5. Anyway it was a lot of fun, and he figured out what sorts of styles I like (he liked some ugly ones, so good thing he got that straightened out). haha
            Read my LDR story!


              This sounds so great! I hope you enjoy the rest of his stay with you


                Originally posted by Michelle View Post
                Haha, I made Frank go ring-window shopping before! It was awhile ago, I told him he needed to know my ring size anyway. So we went around the mall pretending we were looking for a ring, and had someone size my ring finger I'm a 5. Anyway it was a lot of fun, and he figured out what sorts of styles I like (he liked some ugly ones, so good thing he got that straightened out). haha
                Andy showed me some of the rings he's been thinking about getting for me and I have to say I hated them

                We went through some of the rings I liked and he was really surprised that I didn't want the traditional engagement ring with a big rock - it's just way too inconvenient for me cause I want it to be one I can wear everyday and I couldn't work or do anything with my horses if I had a ten pound rock sticking out of my finger


                  Sounds like you two are having a GREAT time, Tanja!
                  Hope you guys have a lot of fun with the remainder of your visit =]


                    You guys sound like you are having a fantastic time together!! I'm super happy for you both!


                      So this is our last full weekend together, he's leaving next friday... He took me on a date yesterday and bought me new clothes which is something no-one's ever done for me. It's hard to believe almost 6 weeks have gone by already!

                      Next week I'll be in work again so we won't have as much time together as I'd like but at least there's a week left yet before we're back to LDR again... I feel a bit surreal already cause I just can't imagine what it's like being home alone again and waking up alone or going to bed without him, I just really really don't want him to leave lol.


                      We'll try to book my flights for November this week so I suppose counting down to the day I'll be going to see his home country for the first time is something to keep my mind busy lol.


                        Thanks Tanja for the update. It's so nice you share this time with everyone.


                          I'll second what Čternity said
                          it makes me smile every time I read stories like yours and they make my strong for my LDR!


                            I agree completely, noodle, and what a great username by the way It made me giggle. I love to read stories of the joys of LDRs - the coming together that is out of this world. We put ourselves through the pain of being apart, simply because the being together is so amazing.

                            With great love,



                              Thanks for updating us, Tanja!
                              I'm so glad you and Andy are having/had a good time together =]

