Ive recently posted about asking my SO to visit. He wants to, no money.
He's in a situation. Moved back home due to medical problems with his parents, uncertain job, no car, didnt graduate and DEPRESSED. (None of these bother me as they are all changeable things. I love him regardless.)
He's talked about how he wants to take the easy way. Its scares me. Ive told him that it hurts me, that I love him to death. I try to give him possitivity but he's been stuck in a rut since his father died.
I am having weight loss surgery June 12th and wanted to wait until I am fully comfortable with myself (and able to eat hard food) before getting him to come see me. I was originally planning something in December when I've lost enough weight and am comfortable. I don't know if I can wait that long. But my surgery preop and postop is gonna be rough.
So my question is 1) do I wait? he still has to get a passport but I'd help pay for him to get here. And 2) how can I convince him that he's not a screw up? (He's in his mid20s and thinks he's a failure.)
Thanks for your help..
Ive recently posted about asking my SO to visit. He wants to, no money.
He's in a situation. Moved back home due to medical problems with his parents, uncertain job, no car, didnt graduate and DEPRESSED. (None of these bother me as they are all changeable things. I love him regardless.)
He's talked about how he wants to take the easy way. Its scares me. Ive told him that it hurts me, that I love him to death. I try to give him possitivity but he's been stuck in a rut since his father died.
I am having weight loss surgery June 12th and wanted to wait until I am fully comfortable with myself (and able to eat hard food) before getting him to come see me. I was originally planning something in December when I've lost enough weight and am comfortable. I don't know if I can wait that long. But my surgery preop and postop is gonna be rough.
So my question is 1) do I wait? he still has to get a passport but I'd help pay for him to get here. And 2) how can I convince him that he's not a screw up? (He's in his mid20s and thinks he's a failure.)
Thanks for your help..