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    I've been with Stephen for 4 years now, and every few months it seems I need extra love and attention just to let my mind know that everything is okay. He's always very sweet about it and willing to help in anyway he can. It's totally normal and doesn't just go away with one talk about it.


      Thanks y'all for all your support! I guess needed a bit of reassurance from others, as well. Though looking back, *constant* reassurance might've been a helpful addition into the first post, and the fact that we had had a 'serious' talk not even three days ago. During our first few weeks, I was much more awkward and needy (I'm proud to say that I've grown at least a tad bit from that phase). Long story short, he was really supportive during those times, understanding my feelings and everything. I'm do wonder about how he thinks of me about such situations, though..

      We're usually pretty close, but those few times when he starts to get distant that I feel unease. It's probably good for us in the long run and such, but that drastic change does make me doubtful. I don't want him to think that we always have to be that close, but again: the drastic change is what I worry about.

      So far, I've bitten my tongue back about my feelings. Probably not the best idea, but things have gotten a bit better. We've an easier time communicating, albeit not ideal. Hopefully we can get back to we were before before I have to open my big mouth. Healthy? Eh... but it does avoid the awkward confessions of feelings we both share >.<

      ^^; TL|DR Thank you for you support! It was most appreciated c:

