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Just needed a vent

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    Just needed a vent

    I've just been so stressed.

    I finally had my first break down at work the other day, which never happens to me. I just was talking to my boss and she asked about my when my SO was going to get here and I just started crying! I freaked out! My fiance and I are planning on closing the distance soon, like VERY soon, like he was supposed to be here yesterday soon...and he's not. And I know that that is no reason to complain because there is so many people still waiting to even meet their SO's, I'm just having issues.

    I'm planning my wedding which is happening in 2 months, which is stressful enough as is it, and then I have my fiance over here who is trying to get here but can't. The basic situation is that he has two vehicles, one is his camaro and the other is his jeep. He is selling all of his things (TV, Couch, Chair, Airsoft guns, guitar) and this also includes his jeep because he thinks it's too expensive to rent a uhaul and doesn't mind getting rid of these things so he's sold pretty much everything except the jeep and he constantly keeps lowering the price because he's getting desperate and it has a couple issues (not major) and has a lot of miles on it and people aren't buying it. And basically, he needs to sell his jeep so he has money to put his car (camaro) back on the road with insurance (he can't pay in payments because of an issue he had in the past so it's a really hefty dollar amount) and people just aren't buying it. He's also waiting on his tax return to come in because he really wants to help me with the wedding.

    ANYWAYS, I'm just stressing out, and I want him to be here, which I know everyone knows how that feels. It's just hurting. It's hard for me to see him on skype a lot because of the time difference and by the time I get home from work, he's asleep. We text all day but I never see him or get to hear his voice (we can't call because it's too expensive)

    Ughhh poo ): I just need to stop complaining, I just figured i'd vent on here instead of have another episode at work lol.

    Just missing him.
    "I love the stars and the moon because I know that I'm always sitting under the exact same ones as you"

    I know how you feel and it sucks and I can sympathise. Planning a wedding is hard on your own, and add to that the stress of not knowing when he'll get to be with you. I'm sorry you're going through this... more
    Joey & Scott
    Met: April 2002
    Lost Contact: August 2002
    Reconnected: April 2010
    Together: May 20th 2010

    [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin


      its oke you have alot on your plate at the moment, having a good cry will relieve the tension
      hold in there! big hug!!


        Originally posted by JoeyBug View Post
        I know how you feel and it sucks and I can sympathise. Planning a wedding is hard on your own, and add to that the stress of not knowing when he'll get to be with you. I'm sorry you're going through this... more
        You are great! I love hugs, all my friends are far away, so I don't get very many lol. <3 Thank you (:

        Originally posted by dragonlady View Post
        its oke you have alot on your plate at the moment, having a good cry will relieve the tension
        hold in there! big hug!!
        Really trying to hang in there <3 Thank you.

        hugs to you both (:
        "I love the stars and the moon because I know that I'm always sitting under the exact same ones as you"


          *hugs* the best thing is though, you know he's doing everything he can. And if he's starting to live without a couch, tv, chair and his other home comforts, he's going to be in even more of a hurry to get to where he should be. I can't imagine many people want to live in a furniture-less home for long, haha.

          Don't panic about feeling down about it. We all have our moments, even the people that seem like they've completely got it together.


            it's okay to vent out! everyone needs to it once in a while, especially people in a LDR right?

            Hang in there, the right offer for the jeep!
            *hugs* He'll be here soon.


              Here is a for you.. 2 months till wedding be happy and busy in preparations.. He will get to you soon dont worry...


                Aww honey I can only imagine what you're going through. I actually had an issue a couple of weeks ago where I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to move to my SO when we had originally planned due to financial difficulty. He felt terrible because at the moment when we were trying to figure it out at first there was no way he could've helped me and he was really wanting too. I felt bad that he even felt bad because I understood. I would've figured it out some way,but fortunately for us some money came his way and he bought my ticket so everything is on track now. Whoo! I hope the same thing happens for your SO so he can come be with you ASAP. If you ever need an ear I'm always here,you can message me anytime. x1000000000000 ^-^

                ♥ In 666 Ways I Love You & My Heaven Is Wherever You Are. I'm For You. ♥

                We Met: June 9,2010
                Back Together: August 1,2012
                First Visit: September 21,2012 - September 29,2012
                Second Visit: January 13,2013 - February 24,2013
                Engaged: January 17,2013
                Closed The Distance-MS - AZ: June 15th,2013
                Moved To FL Together: November 14,2013
                We Got Married! - July 3,2014
                SO Graduated College - August 7,2015
                Moved to Ky - August 10, 2015


                  Originally posted by Biddlybiddlybombop View Post
                  *hugs* the best thing is though, you know he's doing everything he can. And if he's starting to live without a couch, tv, chair and his other home comforts, he's going to be in even more of a hurry to get to where he should be. I can't imagine many people want to live in a furniture-less home for long, haha.

                  Don't panic about feeling down about it. We all have our moments, even the people that seem like they've completely got it together.
                  That's really good advice, I know he's trying to get here. I'm finally looking up about it, I think I'm just wanting him here even faster now that I know the distance will be closed. lol

                  Originally posted by barret95 View Post
                  it's okay to vent out! everyone needs to it once in a while, especially people in a LDR right?

                  Hang in there, the right offer for the jeep!
                  *hugs* He'll be here soon.
                  Thank you! *Big hugs!* I'm really hoping so!

                  Originally posted by SeeRat View Post
                  Here is a for you.. 2 months till wedding be happy and busy in preparations.. He will get to you soon dont worry...
                  Thank you! That's what I'm trying to keep busy with, I pretty much cleaned up all day lol

                  Originally posted by LadyDaemon View Post
                  Aww honey I can only imagine what you're going through. I actually had an issue a couple of weeks ago where I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to move to my SO when we had originally planned due to financial difficulty. He felt terrible because at the moment when we were trying to figure it out at first there was no way he could've helped me and he was really wanting too. I felt bad that he even felt bad because I understood. I would've figured it out some way,but fortunately for us some money came his way and he bought my ticket so everything is on track now. Whoo! I hope the same thing happens for your SO so he can come be with you ASAP. If you ever need an ear I'm always here,you can message me anytime. x1000000000000 ^-^
                  I know, it's really hard! I will definitely message you! Especially because you're planning your wedding too! (:
                  "I love the stars and the moon because I know that I'm always sitting under the exact same ones as you"


                    weddings are ridiculously stressful without adding in any extra complications like long distance. what still needs doing with the wedding? have you got people helping you?


                      Weddings can be really stressful. Just want to send you hugs and some positive vibes


                        Originally posted by 80anthea View Post
                        weddings are ridiculously stressful without adding in any extra complications like long distance. what still needs doing with the wedding? have you got people helping you?
                        It's mainly just paying for everything and figuring out tiny details, and wondering if the groomsmen will be at the wedding or not. It's just blah!! lol. I have my maid of honor helping but she's far away, which makes it difficult, so it's mainly my mom and I .
                        "I love the stars and the moon because I know that I'm always sitting under the exact same ones as you"


                          Originally posted by Kiyama View Post
                          Weddings can be really stressful. Just want to send you hugs and some positive vibes
                          Thank you so much! (:
                          "I love the stars and the moon because I know that I'm always sitting under the exact same ones as you"

