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Art/Creative stuff for LDR Thread

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    Originally posted by garnet View Post
    I so love everything you guys have posted!!

    I've made two things for my SO, an exploding box, and a paper bag mini scrapbook.

    Garnet I love the exploding box. It looks so awesome. I might have to try that myself...

    Originally posted by dragonlady View Post
    awesome stuff everybody!!!, love how yours worked out benni! really clear now!

    this is what i have made for my SO (sadly dont have pic from the other stuff)
    i made the pendant first for him (not mine idea is from somebody else) and have made some stressrings out of silver and titanium the coloured ring can turn around the silver one

    Dragonlady, those are incredible! And such a cool talent to have too! How long does it take you to make them?


      if i count all the hours about 2 days, only the cutting the stone in the pendant took me 3 day to pollish and such so the pendant was 5 days all togheter


        Originally posted by Karura View Post
        I love this thread! =D
        I'm enjoying what people already showed so far ~ <3

        I have had this drawing for a while on my signature but here's the bigger format! It's a drawing I made for my SO on Valentine's Day. I gave the original drawing to him in person when I first met him in Chile. ^^

        Love it

        Originally posted by Benni View Post
        Ok, I'm adding my digital art pic here now that I've perfected it (I think). Some of you have said you'd be glad to pay for a personalized one but I don't know what a fair price would be. I'm open to suggestions for that.

        I would love one of these so if you do decide to make some, let me know and I'll save my pennies

        Originally posted by garnet View Post
        I so love everything you guys have posted!!

        I've made two things for my SO, an exploding box, and a paper bag mini scrapbook.

        WOW!!! Love it

        Originally posted by dragonlady View Post
        awesome stuff everybody!!!, love how yours worked out benni! really clear now!

        this is what i have made for my SO (sadly dont have pic from the other stuff)
        i made the pendant first for him (not mine idea is from somebody else) and have made some stressrings out of silver and titanium the coloured ring can turn around the silver one

        Those are awesome
        Joey & Scott
        Met: April 2002
        Lost Contact: August 2002
        Reconnected: April 2010
        Together: May 20th 2010

        [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin


          I hope no one minds me bumping this thread, because I think it was great, and I know there are a lot of creative people on here who have made all sorts of things for their SO! Particularly love the exploding box and the pendant!

          I'm excited to have just finished a countdown craft! Though she doesn't know it, the idea all sprung form kittyo9, way back in this thread. So thank you! It has seriously been a fun project to make, despite many frustrations and the amount of times I had to go back and buy different beads due to being too small/large.

          Yellow represents me, blue represents him - bonus points if you can tell why! The hourglass and the photo are glued to the backing of the photo frame, and the whole back slides easily in and out enabling you to change the beads daily. There is a plastic divider at the top that keeps the colours separated, and as the days pass you can lift out the top piece, and drop the beads down, mixing the colours together.

          Now we just need a date to countdown to, which we should hopefully know really soon

          "My arms will be your prison" - My Boyfriend [♥] Our LDR Blog!

          Started Talking - October 2012
          Started Dating - 08.11.12
          First Meeting - 08.12.13 - 39 days together
          Second Meeting - 16.12.15 - 31 days together

          Rosetta Stone Progress
          22 / 60


            Originally posted by SmileyK View Post
            THIS IS AMAZING! It would be awesome if you could make a tutorial for how you made it!!! Btw, LOVE the Harry Potter theme



              I loved everything you posted ! I feel soo happy after i saw so many cool things <3

              Cool thread!

              here are some pictures of presents i did for my boy

              I gifted him 29 little things for his 29 birthday !

              necklaces for us !

              here are pillows I did for our first meeting ! <3

              Last edited by dandelion; August 7, 2013, 04:14 PM.


                I have done a compilation CD before. I have also done intimate e-cards. I am not brave enough to do a video, because I hate the way my voice sounds when I sing. It is so out of pitch. If I could do a drum video, I would. I don't have a drum kit at this time.

                First Visit: September 2016
                Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
                Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

                John 3:16
                For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
                John 4:12
                I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                  Originally posted by Kristin91 View Post
                  THIS IS AMAZING! It would be awesome if you could make a tutorial for how you made it!!! Btw, LOVE the Harry Potter theme

                  Thank you I will probably write up a tutorial for it on my HP blog sometime soon but I can always PM you with instructions. Wasn't too hard in theory, really, just a lot of fiddilng

                  "My arms will be your prison" - My Boyfriend [♥] Our LDR Blog!

                  Started Talking - October 2012
                  Started Dating - 08.11.12
                  First Meeting - 08.12.13 - 39 days together
                  Second Meeting - 16.12.15 - 31 days together

                  Rosetta Stone Progress
                  22 / 60


                    well my SO made a song for me for the 1st Anniversary,

                    on the other hand, I can't sing/play the guitar and the same time so I've written a few (8) poems about her and us, I can upload them if anyone wants to read them (:

                    another creative gift I made was a book full of all the things I saved when we were visiting each other , such as movie tickets, coupons, maps, ect. and made a story about what we did through the year (with pictures), it was a present for our one year anniversary Also done a mixed CD with me singing, and some love songs topped up with 'our' songs along with the poems.

                    For the second year i'm planning (which I wanted to make for a Christmas gift) to make one of those pop up boxes full of other gifts ect C:
                    I will try and get photos as they are in my SO's house :P


                      I'm working on a book of about 120 pages of things that remind me of my SO. I'm gonna give it to her when we first meet. I also made one of those card decks with 52 reasons of why I love her


                        I've composed a bit of music and played some Russian/Ukrainian romance music on my balalaika.
                        I'm about to record Очи чёрные for her, appropriate because of her beautiful eyes, Just the music though my Russian is not good enough to sing in.

                        I bought a đŕn đoản so I can play Vietnamese music to her but that a secret for the moment until I learn to play it.

                        Also made some fractal flames for her because I am a math, computer and programming geek
                        (apparently I cant post links yet so I will attach the image I did some other time)

                        One sketch so far as well, which really made her happy, planning to do more.


                          Originally posted by SmileyK View Post
                          I hope no one minds me bumping this thread, because I think it was great, and I know there are a lot of creative people on here who have made all sorts of things for their SO! Particularly love the exploding box and the pendant!

                          I'm excited to have just finished a countdown craft! Though she doesn't know it, the idea all sprung form kittyo9, way back in this thread. So thank you! It has seriously been a fun project to make, despite many frustrations and the amount of times I had to go back and buy different beads due to being too small/large.

                          Yellow represents me, blue represents him - bonus points if you can tell why! The hourglass and the photo are glued to the backing of the photo frame, and the whole back slides easily in and out enabling you to change the beads daily. There is a plastic divider at the top that keeps the colours separated, and as the days pass you can lift out the top piece, and drop the beads down, mixing the colours together.

                          Now we just need a date to countdown to, which we should hopefully know really soon
                          THAT is AWESOME! I want one!!

                          Everything else looks great everyone, glad to see this thread still going on in my absence!
                          Joey & Scott
                          Met: April 2002
                          Lost Contact: August 2002
                          Reconnected: April 2010
                          Together: May 20th 2010

                          [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin


                            I made this video for my SO for our six month anniversary, it took many pieces of paper, and the timing was just luck! haha.

                            for our one year anniversary I sent him a little box of stuff, including this tiny Doctor Who comic starring my SO as the doctor:

                            and a slightly longer comic for his birthday (I was actually really proud of this one):

                            I've written him a few poems as well and done some other drawings and stuff, these were the only ones I took pictures of though! I love making things.


                              One-more-reason - I love everything about your post, from the song in the video to the comics to the LOTR quote in your signature!

                              I made a collage for my boyfriend which includes bits and pieces that relate to us in some way. On the back I wrote down the significance of each item most of which he should be able to pick up on straight away without explanation (:

                              “The ties that binds us are sometimes impossible to explain. They connect us even after it seems like the ties should be broken. Some bonds defy distance and time and logic; Because some ties are simply… meant to be.” - Grey’s Anatomy

                              >Little Box<


                                I painted him a picture of a female wolf and a male wolf (he really likes wolves)
                                I write him a letter every month on our anniversary date.
                                I made 32 note card sized cards with things I liked about him, memories, remember whens, I love it when, secrets and anything else I could think of. I decorated each card with fancy paper, and put little cut outs and used squiggly scissors to make cool designs. I hand wrote each one of them. Then I made an envelope with decorative paper and put all of the cards inside. I then wrote a little note explaining what to do: Every day (starting on the day of our anniversary..the 13th) he was to pick a card from the envelope and read it. And he was to do this every day for the whole month (the last card would be on our next anniversary). I wanted something that would last a while instead of a letter that you read once on one day and that was it.
                                I am going to make Open When envelopes, so he can have those when he is feeling sad or when he really misses me to bring up the mood. For example, Open're sick. I am going to write him a letter, put cough drops, kleenex, various soup recipes, and up lifting quotes to help him through when he gets sick.
                                I also found this other idea of the "exploding box" that i found on pinterest. The actual box part spills out when you take the lid off into four different sides, with three layers. And you can decorate each square with cute quotes, pictures or other things on them. So I plan on doing that next.

