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Reuniting with boyfriend after 2 months

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    Reuniting with boyfriend after 2 months

    Soooo my BF moved In march, I went to visit him a few weeks later, so up until now it's been about 2 months since i went to visit. During these 2 months, he got a job, and works A LOT. lately all we do is argue about how im mad he never has enough time to call me as much. I feel like i lost feelings and i really want to be more positive and bring them back. GOOD NEWS: i am seeing him in 2 days! Im going to visit for a week im just really scared things will be different bc have been fighting a lot/ im nervous i wont have as strong as feelings as i used to have. any advice on how to stop making myself think this!? i just wanna feel the awesomeness of being in love.. i feel like after 9 months of dating, my honeymoon stage has ended

    thanks to anyone who can help!

    First off, you don't need to post this twice lol I know its hard going CD to LD but really two months is nothing. At this point you're still getting used to being apart. It WILL get easier. You also need to understand that he's working hard and can't be there 26/7 like he used to be. Find things to do. Maybe you can come up with certain times that the both of you can talk? I think that would give you more of a schedule.
    Made it official: 12-01-10
    First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
    Closed the distance: 07-31-13


      I agree with Black. Going from being CD to LD is hard. You're used to having that person around 24/7 when you want them to be. Going LD you don't have that option. But as black said,2 months is really not long to be apart. But I digress. When you're LD and your SO is not able to talk or be around as often due to work,don't get upset. All your going to do by doing that is put stress on yourself and your relationship and it will cause arguments. You have to realize that when your LD you're living 2 separate lives and he has to work and live his life and you need to do the same. Schedule time with him for you guys to talk around his work schedule and when you're not able to be in contact with him find something to do. A hobby,go work out,read a book etc.

      As for the honeymoon phase,it always ends at some point and that's not a bad thing. It just means your relationship has matured and you're comfortable now. Don't let that be a sign of "trouble ahead" because it's not. I see so many people getting needlessly upset when they realize their relationship is no longer in that "rainbows and puppy dogs" stage. You should be happy that you've carried on your relationship long enough to get to this point. Just be happy with being comfortable with him and don't put too much stock in the fact that the honeymoon phase is over now.

      ♥ In 666 Ways I Love You & My Heaven Is Wherever You Are. I'm For You. ♥

      We Met: June 9,2010
      Back Together: August 1,2012
      First Visit: September 21,2012 - September 29,2012
      Second Visit: January 13,2013 - February 24,2013
      Engaged: January 17,2013
      Closed The Distance-MS - AZ: June 15th,2013
      Moved To FL Together: November 14,2013
      We Got Married! - July 3,2014
      SO Graduated College - August 7,2015
      Moved to Ky - August 10, 2015

