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You know it is love when...?

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    You know it's love when...

    * You can get dressed and undressed as you please without feeling embarrassed.
    * You burp, fart, throw up, shave, clip your toe nails, go to the toilet or scratch your itchy balls without feeling embarrassed.
    * When you get taken care of when sick.
    * When she burps straight onto my face.


    * When she shaves your face and cleans you in the shower.
    * She cleans, cooks and does everything for you because you are lazy .
    * You fall asleep at 1600 together because you're an old couple.


    * Because she is the best and only you know it.


      ...when you stop whatever you are doing, from cooking to love making, and break into song together, definitely.

      I've loved reading these.

      @Tooki - no shame in going to bed early. (It's my usual!) Blue-hair is the new... well, well rested, at least.


        ... when you think more about them than yourself
        ... when we're both willing to travel for 24 hours with 2 lay over just to see each other.
        ... when he's willing to spend between 1200-1700 USD every month just to see me.
        ... when I say my head hurt and he immediately tries to give me a massage.

        ... when I lie and say I'm full so he'll eat the rest of my lunch, because he already ate his and says he's still hungry. I guess I do this with all food - also dinner.
        ... when he keeps offering to buy you anything you want. (and he means it) Especially lately if we fight or I feel down, he'll then say things like "I'll buy you new shoes" which will make me laugh.
        ... when you're in the bedroom and feel too lazy to get out of bed to turn on the light, he actually gets up from the couch in the living room, just to come and turn it on for me. (without any complains)
        ... when you're sick, but they stay up all night by your side.

        Originally posted by Tooki View Post
        * When she burps straight onto my face.
        Haha... I've done that a few times to my SO XD


          I love these, keep them coming!


            -When after 5 years of knocking him back he still never gave up wanting me.

            -When we had only officially been together for only a month and he pays
            $1,200 for my flight ticket.

            -When his mum is flying from Boston to Kansas just to meet me

            -When he tells all his Army friends all about me and they are excited to meet me just as much as him

            -When you can say the most random things and he insults you about it but you know it’s all just fun and games.

            -When he puts himself out and adds my family members on Facebook just so he can get to know them.

            -When he randomly texts me telling me how much he loves me

            -When he actually remembers how many days left until our meet and he writes on my wall just to remind me (I know anyways lol)

            -When we both insult eachothers countries and we dont really get offended! he just reminds me the best thing that came from the UK was me


              ~When one of you farts in the middle of the night and you both laugh uncontrollably
              ~When you start missing his snoring, even though he sounds like a damn train :P
              ~When you know every skeleton in each other's closet and still love each other
              ~When he stays logged onto yahoo and talks to you even if he has friends over to make sure you don't feel left out.
              Made it official: 12-01-10
              First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
              Closed the distance: 07-31-13


                Originally posted by Black_Halloween View Post
                ~When you start missing his snoring, even though he sounds like a damn train :P
                His snoring drove me crazy on my last visit... (He hadn't snored before that visit) but once I came back home I found myself missing it... Luckily, I had recorded his snoring on my phone (because it was seriously funny) and I replay it sometimes to help me sleep!!
                First met online: June, 2010
                First met in person: August, 2011 (See the story of our first visit)
                Second visit: December, 2011 (Christmas and New Years together!)
                Third visit together: August, 2012
                Fourth visit: December 2012 (Christmas and New Years together!)
                Fifth visit: July 2013 (2 weeks here in Canada)
                Sixth visit: December 2013 (Christmas and New Years together again and I finally met his mother!)
                Next visit: Unknown... for now but coming up ASAP


                  Originally posted by Verojoon View Post
                  His snoring drove me crazy on my last visit... (He hadn't snored before that visit) but once I came back home I found myself missing it... Luckily, I had recorded his snoring on my phone (because it was seriously funny) and I replay it sometimes to help me sleep!!
                  Love this!

                  And all the others!


                    When he's covered in mud, horse hair, hay and sweat and he's never looked or smelled sexier...
                    When he lets me squeeze all the blackheads on his back...
                    When he reaches over in the night to cuddle me...
                    When he shouts "I'll miss you!" across the coffee shop when I get up to go to the bathroom, and I shout "miss you too!" without missing a beat...
                    And the big one:
                    When he gets out of bed to spit out his chewing tobacco before he starts kissing me, without me even asking.
                    London girl, American cowboy. "Like a western Dirty Dancing."


                      A couple more...

                      You know it is love...

                      when he remembers your kids' birthdays etc...
                      when he can listen to you talking about nothing that interesting for ages...
                      when after 11 months of listening to you he still isn't bored
                      when he brings you coffee in bed
                      when he carries your bags...
                      when he asks you everyday "how are you?" and is interested in the answer...

