Campus tour: school is such a big part of his life and was a big part of my life until recently, so the campus tour was essential. It was a shame that it was so hot and humid, because that sapped a bit of energy. I loved seeing his campus and the architecture was really quite beautiful (my campus has beautiful grounds, but the buildings are all a mish-mash of different, more recent time periods, all of which need to be rather block-ish and earthquake-proofed). It wasn't until the day I left that we made it to a practice room, but I did finally get to hear him play piano and on a black beast (grand piano), no less. I think that his performance really made the tour complete--if you and your SO are studying right now and comfortable with/ have permission for, it really adds an extra touch to the tour if you can sit in on one of their classes, see them perform, cheer them on at a sport, etc.
The Zoo: Okay, other than some insects and arachnids, I think animals are great and so fascinating (and feel happy when efforts are being made for animal welfare/ rehabilitation, etc. at zoos)...I was pretty excited about the zoo even before I went. I think it turned out to be a favourite for us both (he really picked up on my excitement and curiosity). There was an element of nostalgia and child-like fun, which helped us to let our guards down and be a little silly.
Museums: He and I are nerds, no lies...but nerdy is the new chic. We went to art museums, history museums, and even the Oz Museum! Oh my! It was really great to explore and learn new things together and great conversations were generated on everything from the serious to the silly.
Meeting friends over nice food: Yum, food! We went to some fantastic places to eat. The meals worked well, because if there were any awkward silences, you could just take time to enjoy your food or the atmosphere of the place and yet they also allowed opportunities for conversation. I've talked a lot of smack about meeting his friends, but it also helped me to ground things in reality and now have a sense of being clued in and included when he talks about these people.
Family Dinner: Trauma in a hand basket! I was so nervous (the last time I met a serious boyfriend's family, I was trying very hard to be a strict vegetarian and they all accosted me for it). It was definitely a little awkward at first, but once everyone had had a drink and the meal began the conversation (in general for everyone there...I was really glad I didn't get put under the firing squad about my job search, etc.) was really fun. We played Quelf together and that was lots of fun, too. I guess it must have gone well, because we were invited back for his dad's famous tiramisu (we ended up getting so busy that we couldn't go) and now they have potentially invited me for Mexico. What really helped (other than maybe the drinks. <.<
Well, there are more things, but I'm starting to turn into an insomniac lately and looking at a bright computer screen seems to make me wired...so I think I will try reading something, instead, and have some sweet dreams for once. I sure miss him! Maybe, in a dream, he will compose an entire song for me and I will dance to it, after all.