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New to the community and LDR's!!!

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    New to the community and LDR's!!!

    Hi everyone!

    This is new territory and I'm turning to you guys for some advice and support.

    It all started a year ago. I had just moved to a new state. When I moved I joined a dating website. I noticed that I got favorited by an incredibly cute guy. So I checked him out and did the same. I saw that he was from the UK so I didn't think anything of it. Well we exchanged some messages and I learned that he was here visiting friends but that he had already flew home. I didn't hear from him again until around Christmas and exchanged a few more emails and then heard from him again the end of April. We became FB friends and we chatted every day. About two weeks ago we started Skyping for hours on end every day and texting from the time we get up until we go to bed (5 hour time difference).

    We've briefly talked about "relationship" stuff. We both feel the same way about each other, even with us only really talking for two weeks but we both have the same fears and concerns. And to me it's a little scary but exhilarating at the same time. I have never felt this way about anyone I've dated here. Is this odd or normal for LDR's? Is a phase or just in my head? I've even erased my dating profile and really only have eyes for him and it's mutual..

    Thanks for listening!

    Great that while there have been times where you didn't communicate for months, you still kept in touch.

    First Visit: September 2016
    Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
    Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

    John 3:16
    For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
    John 4:12
    I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


      It was weird. Since he is from the UK I didn't really put much thought into anything, let alone an LDR, but when I didn't hear from him I would get a little bummed but he'd pop into my thoughts every now and then

      I am glad we kept in touch! I never thought in a million years that it'd come to this but I love what we have been developing and what we have together even though nothing is "official" yet


        Hi and welcome!

        I think that for a lot of us, we have felt the way you do - that we've never felt this way before with anyone we dated. It's what makes it worth sticking it out through the long distance

        LDRs are tough though, so try not to let the good feelings get in the way of thinking about what's best for yourself. How long until you can meet him for the first time? How often will you be able to see each other? Would either one of you be willing to move eventually? It's heartbreaking to get into an online relationship and then realize years down the road it's a dead-end situation.

        Good luck with everything! You are not crazy for feeling this way .
        So, here you are
        too foreign for home
        too foreign for here.
        Never enough for both.

        Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


          Welcome to this lovely community don't be afraid to ask anything

          well, I can relate to you as my SO thought the same when she found out I live in the UK, but the feeling, it's amazing isn't it? how much we care about a certain person

          LDR is incredibly hard, but build it up with being honest to each other and communicating a lot from the start! but think about yourself as well , ya know, make sure you plan out your life, if an unfortunate event happens and it doesn't work out, you'll have plans for your life. (if you know what I'm trying to say)


            Welcome girl!

            As said before, LDR is hard but it's worth it. There's plenty of amazing things in a LDR's relationship, as well as many questions, doubts... But in the end, you build a wonderful relationship and learn to know someone even if he's/she's not with you right at the moment. See it like a chance of knowing something and someone new, but don't forget to take the way you think is better for you! The LDR's community is great, and if you have anything to ask or to say, we're here


              Thanks for the warm welcomes, folks! I've been coming to the site as often as I can just getting ideas and trying to absorb as much as I can so that we're both better prepared for later on down the road. I know it's still in the early stage and we both know it's going to take patience, trust and hard work but we both want this adventure together. And I don't think that either of our stubborn personalities will allow us to give up on each other easily, anyway!

              As tough as it's going to be, I think LDR's have more of an advantage. It's going to foster positive energy, and a stronger emotional bond and a sturdy foundation. When the time does come physical relations it'll be more intimate and meaningful.

              We've talked about future plans briefly. It actually kind of caused a little tift yesterday. It was all a misunderstanding but some hurtful things were said and feelings were hurt. We kissed and made up. Haha. I'll be going back to school in July so I'm kinda limited to when I can go to see him and he just started a new job with a new company so he can't take any time off until next year, so it looks as if I may go to him towards the end of this year if that's something we decide on. And we're both willing to move, he just knows that I won't move until I'm done with school.

