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Over packing

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    Over packing

    Anyone else over pack? This is my 5th time there so I should have the packing thing down by now but seems like I am sitting on my suitcase every time to get it to shut. It is just so hard for me to decide what I want to wear for 7 days. Plus I want to look good while I am there it isn't like your typical vacation with people you see every day.

    I leave tomorrow...yay!! Staying for 7 days that is the longest I have ever stayed (the past 4 times I just stayed 4-5 days). I am hoping we don't drive each other crazy being together 24/7 because he takes off from work when I come. We do have some fun things planned and we are going to a mineral spa for a couple of days at the beach. Most of all I just can't wait to see him again. I know I am lucky in that I can fly out there every other month but this is my first ldr and I hate being away!!

    I always get complimented on how little I pack, yet it is still always too much. When I pack I put in only what I will absolutely 100% need. Then I take out half. For one week I'd pack one pair of jeans and maybe 3 shirts but probably 2. ( plus the shirt and jeans I'd wear to get there)


      Guilty to overpack here too. There is always AT LEAST one full outfit I bring that I never end up wearing. Like you, I always wanted to look good for my SO... he actually teased me once that he'd never seen me in a t-shirt, because I always get very fancy. I learned though that when we do weekend visits I really don't need that much stuff, so I've learned to pack lighter. Weekend visits typically don't involve us being out too long anyway, lol.

      I think as long as you are careful of any weight limit from the airline, and you don't have to lug your suitcase around all the time, you'll be just fine
      So, here you are
      too foreign for home
      too foreign for here.
      Never enough for both.

      Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


        Every. Single. Time. lol
        I don't know why but I can't help it. I guess I like having options. I always come back with a bunch of clothes I didn't wear. I'm leaving Friday and again I'm packing too much but this time I have a "reason". lol It's Spring and here in the North weather can be one extreme to the other. So I packed warm and cool clothes. Thank god for big luggage. haha Oh and the fact that I drive so there is no weight limit!

        "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
        Married April 18th, 2015!!
        Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


          Ugh. I leave this Friday and I think I have put a side WAY to much clothing for 10 days. The only reason why I have put a side as much as I have is because we will be doing a whole bunch of stuff, Bars, Group Meals, Quad Biking, The Mal and even search and rescue training with the dogs as my SO is in the military. I think on a serious note I have packed

          2 x skinny jeans (wearing a pair on the day I arrive 3 in total)
          1 x Baggy jeans
          1 x Sweat Pants
          2 x Leggings
          3 x Shorts
          Maybe or 2 day dresses and about 9/10 tops that’s a lot isn’t it? LOL.

          Oh and a few cardigans :/

          Also I am taking flip flops, Vans, (traveling in converses) and a pair of heels!

          Too much you think? LOL or am i being realistic with the different stuff we will be doing


            You know, with how unpredictable Kansas weather is, I think planning for a wide variety of situations (windy/cooler and humid/raining/as hot as an oven) is your best bet. And I probably pack around the same things when on extended visits (longer than a weekend).
            So, here you are
            too foreign for home
            too foreign for here.
            Never enough for both.

            Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


              Originally posted by Ejoriah View Post
              You know, with how unpredictable Kansas weather is, I think planning for a wide variety of situations
              So you think i havent packed too much? Because if the weather isnt on my side i have my skinyn jeans sweta pants and leggins, but if its is i have my shorts leggings i can also wear and my dresses i just didnt want to look like a fool with a massive load of clothes LOl


                Yeah I think you're just fine. If you'll be doing some outdoors activities where sweating is involved you'll be glad for a change, too. Especially if you won't be able to do laundry over there.
                So, here you are
                too foreign for home
                too foreign for here.
                Never enough for both.

                Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


                  Originally posted by Louise_B View Post
                  Ugh. I leave this Friday and I think I have put a side WAY to much clothing for 10 days. The only reason why I have put a side as much as I have is because we will be doing a whole bunch of stuff, Bars, Group Meals, Quad Biking, The Mal and even search and rescue training with the dogs as my SO is in the military. I think on a serious note I have packed

                  2 x skinny jeans (wearing a pair on the day I arrive 3 in total)
                  1 x Baggy jeans
                  1 x Sweat Pants
                  2 x Leggings
                  3 x Shorts
                  Maybe or 2 day dresses and about 9/10 tops that’s a lot isn’t it? LOL.

                  Oh and a few cardigans :/

                  Also I am taking flip flops, Vans, (traveling in converses) and a pair of heels!

                  Too much you think? LOL or am i being realistic with the different stuff we will be doing
                  I think you are good but I probably packed more so I am not one to judge! LOL.

                  We also do a lot of things and we go out a lot at night and I don't like to wear the same clothes I wore all day when we go out at night. He always jokes and tells me for someone that plans on spending the week naked I sure do bring a lot of clothes! haha


                    someone that plans on spending the week naked I sure do bring a lot of clothes! haha
                    Just actually laughed out loud in my office! Haha .. I know what you mean! If were doing somthing during the day and then heading out of an evening for a bbq or go for a meal and drinks with his friends i wanna be able to change and look nice! Its so difficult LOL. I'm packing my white converses becuase i know they can go with ANYTHING. even if its to look kinda dressy or dressed down if you know what i mean? I know i can wear skinyn jeans and a nice blouse top with them or i can get away with shorts/sweat pants a tank top and converses! LOl


                      When I get to drive places, I overpack. Mostly because I just throw things in the car. I'll pack like an "overnight" bag with the essentials, but then I just end up putting more stuff in the backseat. And then oh that one other thing, and then maybe I'll need that or this or that... etc etc etc.

                      But since I fly to see him, I've gotten really good at not overpacking. I guess I don't care if he sees me in a tshirt. More often than not I will purposely neglect to bring a sweatshirt with me - even if I know it's going to be chilly - and then I just steal one of his for my visit. Plus, since I'm traveling from a warmer place I don't want to haul it with me. I've become an expert at going through airport security... the TSA people always look at me like, "what? she actually knows what's going on?!" It's kind of fun.

                      2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                      Progress: Complete!

                      2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                      Progress: Working on it.


                        I'm with LB, great at packing light. I pack about the same amount of clothes for a 1 week trip and a 3 week trip because I know I'll do laundry if I'm there for 3 weeks. I often don't bring things like toothpaste, knowing someone else will have some. I pack even less when I know I'm going to be near water, because I'll be in my swimsuit every day.


                          Originally posted by 13000km View Post
                          I'm with LB, great at packing light. I pack about the same amount of clothes for a 1 week trip and a 3 week trip because I know I'll do laundry if I'm there for 3 weeks. I often don't bring things like toothpaste, knowing someone else will have some. I pack even less when I know I'm going to be near water, because I'll be in my swimsuit every day.
                          Exactly! I always see people with these giant backpacks and their excuse is "Well I'm traveling for ___ months" You still only need stuff for one week. You'll do laundry!


                            When I first went to meet my SO, I obviously over-packed, not knowing what to takes, the cutest clothes I had and such... Finally I realized I didn't needed so much, and next time I'm packing, I know I won't take much, since I will buy clothes there too haha My advice would be to take the most comfortable clothes you have, and of course some cute ones


                              I've over packed in the past, but I'm making a serious effort not to this time. If it doesn't fit in my carry on, it's not coming. I've learned one pair of shoes. No jeans unless I'm going to travel in them. Pants you need few of, because people really don't pay a whole lot of attention to them anyway. Nobody is going to notice if you're wearing the same pair 2, or 3 times in a visit. After all, how dirty do they get if you wear them out, and change once you're in? (Or perhaps there is laundry access for some of us.) So I'm taking travel pants, and two comfortable yoga pants that I can hang out around the house in, or go somewhere casual in. One light weight hoodie, and a handful of light weight shirts. I'm not going to kill my back just to be naked. :P Everything matches everything else, and I'm quite pleased with myself for not trying to stuff more in my bag this time!

