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They are all getting married.....

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    They are all getting married.....

    5 people who I work with are getting married in summer, another couple having a baby and another buying a house.. I am very happy for them. Everyone is moving forward with their partners and doing these great things together. but it does make me feel a bit sad about my own relationship and makes me miss him TONS more!! Before he left we worked at the same company so everyone knows him. and I'm always getting people asking how he is ect ect. which is nice they are showing an interest but I just cant get away from it.

    For some reason the past week or so I have missed him more. I'm not sure if it's because my Grandma and her Husband (who I live with) are away so I have been here in the house on my own. But everything seems to remind me of him being home especially while at work because that is how we meet.
    Things have just caught up with me this week and I feel a bit of a mess.
    ”I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love. I vow to love you, and no matter what challenges might carry us apart, we will always find a way back to each other.”
    The Vow

    In my case, "everyone" started getting married the very summer I graduated from university, almost nine years ago. At this point, cousins (and grand-cousins) who are much younger than me are getting engaged/married. It doesn't bother me. I don't let it. I don't see marriage as a necessary rite of passage. I see it as the mark of commitment of two people who love each other. I have met the person I want to commit to when I was 26, and it took us this long to make our relationship grow enough to consider marriage. That's how life is.

    The only thing that upsets me is that I would have liked to have children at a younger age. But again, life.
    I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd

