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What's in his mind?

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    What's in his mind?

    hii.. Im really confused at the moment. I love my bf n he is really nice guy. He plan to come visit me this August. I trust him that he will never cheat. But there is small bothering me.
    He never calls me. Well we do video calls, but I meant call to my phone. We talked at this before, n he said he will change his mobile plan so he can call international. Today he said he will call me when he is home. Coz he was outside. Then I went to work, i forgot my phone. I was expected to see a missed call at least when im back from work. But no, there is no missed call. He didnt call me. I don't know, but I think im not his priority. I feel like I am not worth enough to be called.

    Originally posted by ayarusworld View Post
    hii.. Im really confused at the moment. I love my bf n he is really nice guy. He plan to come visit me this August. I trust him that he will never cheat. But there is small bothering me.
    He never calls me. Well we do video calls, but I meant call to my phone. We talked at this before, n he said he will change his mobile plan so he can call international. Today he said he will call me when he is home. Coz he was outside. Then I went to work, i forgot my phone. I was expected to see a missed call at least when im back from work. But no, there is no missed call. He didnt call me. I don't know, but I think im not his priority. I feel like I am not worth enough to be called.
    I am also in an international LDR and am aware of the costs involved with international calling. It could be that maybe he just didn't have the time, not that he doesn't care for you, but that with the time difference - I don't know, but it must be close to 18 hours? then maybe he ran out of time before he had to go to bed/work etc. I think if this is an isolated incident, as in it's only happened once or a few times, then it's just something to discuss with him the next time you talk. It could be that he planned to use something like Skype to make the call cheaper and that's why he needed to be home and the internet was playing up...anything could have happened. It's not necessarily that he doesn't think you are worth the cost and time.

    I'd suggest that you talk with him about it when you next make contact
    Joey & Scott
    Met: April 2002
    Lost Contact: August 2002
    Reconnected: April 2010
    Together: May 20th 2010

    [COLOR="#800080"]"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin


      Talk to him about it. If your SO makes time to call you via video and to chat with you, then you're worth enough to him for him to make that time for you in the first place. Why don't you call him, if it's such a big deal to you? It's likely your reasons for not being the initiator could play in to why he didn't call. Even international plans don't always make things better. Oftentimes they decrease the cost only slightly and it adds up ridiculously. I would simply ask him something like, "did you get your phone plan changed?" because going into it accusing him of not caring for you will get you nowhere but an argument.


        My boyfriend and I are international, we very rarely call each other, because it gets ridiculously expensive and we can chat on the internet for free. What's the big deal about him having to call your phone? I'm not sure I understand, you use video calls already, why do you need the phone, too? You could always call him, since he doesn't have an international plan, have you tried that?
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          Originally posted by Moon View Post
          My boyfriend and I are international, we very rarely call each other, because it gets ridiculously expensive and we can chat on the internet for free. What's the big deal about him having to call your phone? I'm not sure I understand, you use video calls already, why do you need the phone, too?
          Agree with MOON... Rates of international calls are crazy high.. The main thing is COMMUNICATION it does not matter if its by your phone call ooor a call using internet (video chat). SO why bothering about a phone call?? :P
          If you both have a smart phone than you/he can use an app for free calling such as viber. This way you/he will be able to call on eachother's phone for free(though you nust have wifi or phone internet for that :P). We RARELY call each other using our phones but we call using viber anytime(and for hours without any huge phone bills).



            Thanks for your opinions everyone.

            We've talked abt this on Monday n he is agree that we need both text n calls in our relationship. Especially because I can only video call on Monday.

            So it makes me think im not priority when he told me he will call me but the fact is he doesn't

            But yeah I will just call him n ask if he gets the international plan already or not.

            Maybe it's just me too strict coz I think he has a better job than mine, so how come he is not be able to call me while I am be able to call him.


              Originally posted by ayarusworld View Post
              So it makes me think im not priority when he told me he will call me but the fact is he doesn't
              The fact of the matter is that sometimes it happens. We say we'll call someone and then we get busy or distracted by something else and we forget. After all,we're only human. But,unless this is a consistant thing or he's just absolutely not trying at all to contact you,then you shouldn't worry about it. Besides,as others have said,international calling is extremely expensive and people are on tight budgets now-a-days where they can't always afford to make that phone call. That is why you both need to find alternate ways besides just phones calls to communicate such as emails,IM etc. As hard as it may be to know he can't just pick up the phone and call you every time you want him to,there's also some understanding that needs to be had. If he was not contacting you at all I would be more worried.

              Maybe it's just me too strict coz I think he has a better job than mine, so how come he is not be able to call me while I am be able to call him.
              On this,I get a sense that it's the difference in time zones as well as the price of international calling as stated before and if he's on minutes then it's even harder because most peoples minutes start at around 7 am I believe. You have to remember there is a 15 hour time difference between the two of you and that could be causing the problem as well. And not to be harsh,but I think you're overthinking the situation too. I think you need to continue to communicate online as much as possible and not take so much offense about the fact that he doesn't always call you and remember that the situation goes both ways. You can call and leave messages just as much as he can.
              Last edited by LadyDaemon; May 31, 2013, 01:38 PM.

              ♥ In 666 Ways I Love You & My Heaven Is Wherever You Are. I'm For You. ♥

              We Met: June 9,2010
              Back Together: August 1,2012
              First Visit: September 21,2012 - September 29,2012
              Second Visit: January 13,2013 - February 24,2013
              Engaged: January 17,2013
              Closed The Distance-MS - AZ: June 15th,2013
              Moved To FL Together: November 14,2013
              We Got Married! - July 3,2014
              SO Graduated College - August 7,2015
              Moved to Ky - August 10, 2015


                I called him

                hi,, thanks for ur feedback.

                I called him, no answer. He text me said he almost finished the meeting and will call me back after the meeting is done. So I feel better now.

                And not forget to mentioned in that message that he loves me


                  I called him

                  hi,, thanks for ur feedback.

                  I called him, no answer. He text me said he almost finished the meeting and will call me back after the meeting is done. So I feel better now.

                  And not forget to mentioned in that message that he loves me


                    Originally posted by Moon View Post
                    My boyfriend and I are international, we very rarely call each other, because it gets ridiculously expensive and we can chat on the internet for free. What's the big deal about him having to call your phone? I'm not sure I understand, you use video calls already, why do you need the phone, too? You could always call him, since he doesn't have an international plan, have you tried that?
                    Me too. My So lives on the Philipines, I am Dutch. We have a 7 hour time difference. But I never call her. We chat and cam for hours a day - literally - but I never call her. That is just way to expensive to do and she agrees with it. Even after 5 minutes talking on the phone, I pay € 25 extra on my bill. And then we don't even see each other, we just hear the voice. Then a videocall is much more worth it, imho. And it's free... So I can save that money for a plane ticket.
                    Distance means nothing when someone means everything.


                      Originally posted by ayarusworld View Post
                      hi,, thanks for ur feedback.

                      I called him, no answer. He text me said he almost finished the meeting and will call me back after the meeting is done. So I feel better now.

                      And not forget to mentioned in that message that he loves me
                      I know. Asians (and I mean that as compliment!) are far more sensitive. My lady is one, too...
                      Distance means nothing when someone means everything.


                        Originally posted by erwin1973 View Post
                        I know. Asians (and I mean that as compliment!) are far more sensitive. My lady is one, too...
                        What a really...bizarre...thing to say in a thread that was last posted in going on 4 years ago.


                          Sorry if I offended you. And I didn't see it was a 4 year old thread. Hey, I'm human too, remember?
                          Distance means nothing when someone means everything.


                            as long as you talk,that's the most important thing


                              Originally posted by lovestoread View Post
                              as long as you talk,that's the most important thing
                              This thread is 4 years old.... check the dates. I think they broke up as well

