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Never been this hard before...

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    Never been this hard before...

    I can't even cope with Stephen's visit being over. I feel so stupid that I'm this upset. Every time I look at something that reminds me of him I just cry and cry. I feel so dumb... I just miss him so badly right now. He was here for eight full days and it was the most amazing time of my life. But now my house is so quiet and it's killing me. I just want him back already...I don't want to wait until August to see him again. I can't wait until we close the distance. I need some positive encouragement and what nots. I'm feeling extremely low right now...

    I took a bunch of pictures, like you guys asked me to. I won't post them all on here, but I'll link my blog that I put a bunch on.

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    sorry to hear you feel so bad, dont know yet how it feels geuss i'll found out soon
    hope you feel better soon! the pic's are amazing!


      Awww...I'm sorry, I know how bad it feels But, hey, August will be here before you know it, time flies so fast in the Summer. Try not to think of how many days or anything, just know that every day that passes, is one day closer, you'll be OK.
      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


        It's awful after a long visit, I used to feel so wretched. It will get better, you'll get back into your routine and things will improve, but be kind to yourself. August isn't long at all, we used to countdown in weekends as it sounds a lot less that way


          You guys make a sweet couple. I totally understand how you feel and probably will feel the same way when I see my boyfriend again. Did you guys get professional photos done when he visited? I'd love some really nice photos as well when I visit my BF.


            You look so great together and it seems like such a fun-filled visit! Your cupcakes look amazing (the puzzle and the real ones!)

            Keep your chin up, it'll get better as you get more into your regular routine and closer to August.


              Originally posted by katiecat08 View Post
              You guys make a sweet couple. I totally understand how you feel and probably will feel the same way when I see my boyfriend again. Did you guys get professional photos done when he visited? I'd love some really nice photos as well when I visit my BF.
              I'm a photographer, I set up my tripod and we got dressed and I took them myself with my shutter remote.

              And thanks everyone!!!!


                This time was harder for me too. Maybe b/c I stayed for 7 days and like yours it was a wonderful 7 days. I am in the same boat as you also waiting for Aug!!


                  I love your pictures you are an amazing photographer! You guys look so happy and in love Stay positive and instead of focusing on how long the break is, realize how short it is because August isn't so far away! I know it's hard right after a visit but things will get better soon


                    I know that this is hard, especially after being together for a long visit. At the end of his last long visit, which I believe was two or three weeks for Christmas, I cried in his arms for what seemed like an eternity. I didn't want it to be over, and after 3 years of the distance it still didn't seem to be getting any easier. But I did get over the sadness and loneliness that I was feeling that night. The hopelessness does fade, I promise. Now that his visits have gotten shorter and most of them are surprises anyways, it's easier to let go, because I know that I'll see him soon and I'll never know when it's going to happen. Keep your head up. I promise this is only making you stronger.


                      It's so tough after a visit, but each day that passes is one day closer to seeing him again. I know that sounds cliche but that's how I got through each day apart. It's not easy and it's so emotionally draining, but it gets better. *hugs* I hope our support can give you the strength you need.

                      "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                      Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                        girl i have alot of those days i havent learned how to get past them myself it drives me crazy and lookin at pictures hurts so dang much i feel so empty without my baby beside me so dont feel stupid i feel how you feel in that and all your feeling i thought i was stupid but think its natural for some to feel like that never feel stupid for how you feel.

