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    Just curious, do you have any cute nicknames that your SO has for you or vice versa? Haha. I was just randomly thinking and I was curious.

    We have a lot, but my favorites for him would have to be my sexy secret ninja lover (), my silly, and of course my love. And for him to me, little mouse and KTB. XD We're spontaneous.

    Sooo, yeah. What about you guys?
    Last edited by Veiled_Dreamer; January 29, 2010, 07:41 PM.

    We're each other's "bebe"
    Just be glad we made it here alive
    On a spinning ball in the middle of space


      We call each other the basics of baby, sweetie, honey, etc. He calls me his bamboo... has always said he's sad panda, needs his bamboo. Sometimes we call each other by our WoW names, but thats rare.


        Originally posted by garnet View Post
        Sometimes we call each other by our WoW names
        hahaha me and my friends do that

        mama and papa is a big one for me and my girl


          Aside from baby/hun/sweetheart/etc, I call him my little pig because I tease him for sleeping and eating all the time when he's on cam. Sometimes he calls me his bunny, simply because it rhymes with hunny. LOL. We aren't very creative!


            He's my snuggly Canadian bear. >w<


              XD Aww, you guys are all so cute. <3


                He calls me hun if that counts LOL I call him darlin or sweetheart.


                  Drew and i have a couple lol =) He's in the AF so i call him my Airman, or SoldierBoy =) Superman, Mr. Incredible (and i'm elastigirl), Sword (his arabic name, it's my stability, he'd fight for me no matter what), and i think there's more but that's about it lol. =)

                  We call eachother baby, and sweetie of course lol =)

                  He calls me "my love," sweetie/sweetie pie, mon cheri (my darling in french), hope (but in arabic bc he's studying arabic for the AF---> i'm his hope and his reason to come back home and to work hard =), he calls me kitteh because i act like a cat, Elastigirl, anndd... i think that's it.


                    Originally posted by garnet View Post
                    He calls me his bamboo... has always said he's sad panda, needs his bamboo.
                    now that's incredibly adorable ^_^ imma tell drew that one lol


                      We have the usual baby, sweetheart, sweetie, hunnie, etc. My heart always skips a beat when he says sweetheart...he just says it so sweet. I'll try to call him by random food names like hunnie bun, sweetie pie, cupcake, sugar dumpling, sugar pie, random sweets =] I think I've even use my little cinnamon roll. I call him my Brycie-Poo now and then but I don't think that counts since I've also heard his sister call him that. lol


                        One time (a few months ago) Chris called me shortcake, but other than 'baby', we don't really have any nicknames. I'm not really a nickname-y person, and it's difficult for me to come up with good ones and then actually remember to use it.


                          I mainly call Kyle babe and sometimes I call him my tiger or hubby. He calls me his butterfly, wifey, as well as some of the typical nicknames (baby, sweetie, sweetheart, honey, etc). We both tend to add "my" beforehand when using one of our nicknames for each other.


                            Oh and he also calls me his queen sometimes and I call him my king, reason for this being that part of the lyrics to one of our songs (Annihilator - The One) is "I wanna be yours forever, a king for and a queen" :P.


                              We don't have any "real" nicknames, but Jesse calls me crazy and I call him weirdo. :P Also, he has taken a liking to calling me "Ms. Girl". Weirdoo..

