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Suggestions about how to deal with that 'missing feeling'

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    Suggestions about how to deal with that 'missing feeling'

    Hi, as i'm new to LDRs, i'm also unexperienced about how to deal with the 'bad side' of having your beloved far away :/
    I know it can kinda help knowing exactly when we are meeting again (it'll be in a month or so!) and also knowing it wont be a LDR forever, but we all know sometimes it's not enough to keep your head up anyway.
    On the other side, I'm pretty lucky cos we don't have time difference and all those instant messages things help us feeling a bit 'closer' during daily things.

    Despite all this, I'm especially worried about next week: he'll be away with a group of friends for few days and as they'll be abroad he won't be able to have an internet connection. I know it can sound a bit stupid, but I can't help thinking about how much i'm gonna miss him.
    It's not about being scared of him cheating on me or things like that, cos i could trust him with my life really, i'm just aware i'm a bit 'weak' these days and knowing he s away wont make it better.

    do you have any suggestion about how to make these days go well?
    I would prefer not telling him about this feelings cos i know he would spend his time worrying about me and how i feel, and i really want him to enjoy those days

    Keep yourself busy, definitely! Find something rad to do, hang out with your friends, start a really good book or work your way through a TV series you've been meaning to watch. Make plans, and don't let yourself have time to mope around

    I actually think it's healthy to have time to miss your loved one. Everybody needs to be capable of being happy independently. That's my belief, anyway The next few days will be exactly what you make of them. x


      Thank you Isla for your suggestions
      I'm actually a pretty indipendent person, which surely helps my LDR. As regards those specific days I think its all in my mind like... Im aware it wont be the same kind of 'normal' days and it kinda 'scares' me.
      I'll try to keep myself busy asmuch as possible anyway
      Thank you again!


        As Isla said, keep yourself busy!

        I'm in the same situation right now, and what I do while waiting for the time we can be together is go back to school and take a Master's degree. It keeps my mind off things sometimes.

        Being in an LDR made me have a better relationship with my friends too, because I spend more time with them, unlike when I was still in a CD relationship when I spent most of my time with my ex.


          Thanks to you too Chizatlauren
          I do use the studying as a big 'distraction' too (its also a big motivation cos after my degree it wont be a long distance anymore!).
          I'll try to organise something with my friends at least one of those days too


            I'm a very independent person myself. Sometimes I miss my BF so much it makes me crazy. I try to keep myself busy. I work and I'm going back to school in the fall. Sometimes the loneliness hits me. I'm not a usually emotional person, but sometimes crying makes me feel better. Something that helps me is planning our next visit. Having a date to look forward to makes it easier to deal with. I go out with friends and have my quiet time too. We don't talk every second of the day. We're our own people and it's good to have some space. I'm flying to see him in about a month and 6 days. I am very very excited! In the end, I know this is not forever. We're planning on closing the distance as soon as I'm done with school!


              Hi Sarahjane, we seem to have pretty much in common we re meeting again in about a month too (the precise day depends on when my last exam is over) and the distance will be over after my graduation too
              Good luck for you LDR!

