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The Moon

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    The Moon

    The moon. One of the most romantic objects in creation and symbolic for many couples. Including those couples in pop culture in such movies as "It's a Wonderful Life" and "Bruce Almighty." I'm a moon fan. Well the celestial object in the sky, not getting mooned.

    Well anyways, with the super moon coming. Well maybe already for some it has come and gone. Fortunate for my friend/possible SO we live in the same timezone. So I texted her and gave her a heads up if she wanted to check it out tonight. So there is that chance we will both be looking at the same large moon at the same time. I think it's a romantic thing that connects despite distance.

    Any plans for others to do the same or already done it? Do you have something you do with your SO that is similar?

    no plans, but for on the mooning depends on who does it ;P
    sorry i am a teas sometimes but yeah we are moon fans to have fun tonight!


      It was overcast and rainy here so we missed out
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        I wanted to go out to the country and take some photos but the moon is high in the sky so it doesn't really work out how I want it to. Might try from my yard if it is clear later.


          it's overcast here... so unless it suddenly clears up, we're gonna miss out!
          First met online: June, 2010
          First met in person: August, 2011 (See the story of our first visit)
          Second visit: December, 2011 (Christmas and New Years together!)
          Third visit together: August, 2012
          Fourth visit: December 2012 (Christmas and New Years together!)
          Fifth visit: July 2013 (2 weeks here in Canada)
          Sixth visit: December 2013 (Christmas and New Years together again and I finally met his mother!)
          Next visit: Unknown... for now but coming up ASAP


            We live six timezones apart, though I reminded him of it before I went to sleep


              We went to a mountain party last night for the solstice. The moon was SO bright


                I'm loving your responses. Sucks for those who have rain and clouds, but from my point of view rain is awesome as well. Coming from a guy living in a desert. Be thankful for rain. Unless it's flooding or something. I know there are a few websites you can log onto to see the super moon.

                I sat down in my backyard with a hot cup of coffee and texted my friend/possible SO as I looked at the Super Moon. New Mexico is in a drought so you might as well take advantage of the clear nights for something.

                Unfortunately my friend/possible SO was having rain storms where she was at, but she was reading a book I sent her. <3

                Such a huge encouraging sign to me. It may seem small to many of you advanced in your LDR, but to me this is pretty huge. She hasn't been in a texting mood for a long time and now she is communicating with me more than ever. At least through texting. We've done some major communication over the phone and email. But seriously, she is responding quicker to my texts even when I happen to text outside of the normal time we usually text each other. Again, may seem like small potatoes to most, but seems like a huge step in our friendship/relationship. So, I'm thankful.

                So I was able to sit with my hot cup of coffee, text the girl I'm interested in, look at the beautiful moon and say a couple of prayers.

                Can't wait until next Summer to get a telescope and look up at the stars with her.



                  Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
                  I wanted to go out to the country and take some photos but the moon is high in the sky so it doesn't really work out how I want it to. Might try from my yard if it is clear later.
                  Hope you were able to get some shots.


                    Originally posted by Verojoon View Post
                    it's overcast here... so unless it suddenly clears up, we're gonna miss out!
                    Hope it cleared up for you. =/


                      Originally posted by Eleanore View Post
                      We live six timezones apart, though I reminded him of it before I went to sleep
                      Very cool and cute. =]


                        Originally posted by Zapookie View Post
                        We went to a mountain party last night for the solstice. The moon was SO bright
                        It was crazy bright huh? Loved it. So, ain't no party like a mountain party?

