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5 more months...I can do this

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    5 more months...I can do this

    My SO and I have been together for a bit over 2 yrs. We had gone to high school together, each went our separate ways, both went thru bad marriages and then reconnected. he has a great head on his shoulders. When we first started talking he was a ff/paramedic full time, and a law enforcement officer part time. He had nothing better to do with his time, so he worked and saved up his vacation and comp time. He would take time off when I would visit or he would visit and we would talk constantly.
    He always had a dream to obtain his nurse practitioner certification, and started taking pre req classes about the same time we started talking (he already had a BS in biology, sociology, psychology and an AS in criminal justice from going to college right after hs). 20 years later, his science classes were aged out and had to retake them. he jumped thru hoop after hoop trying to get into a masters program. All the time I supported, encouraged him and helped him with the classes. he finally got accepted into an accellerated program that started the end of May. its a 6.5 month program that graduates with a BS and a masters in Nursing the middle of December.
    The course load is 17 credit hours, which includes pathophysiology and pharmacology this summer semester. 2 weeks into class, his dad ended up in hospice with kidney and heart failure. 2 weeks later he passed away. I went up and knew that I had to keep him on task with school (we saw very little of each other - he would come home from study group at midnite and leave by 6) All this time, my SO has continued to work both jobs and should finish out the semester with 3 A's and 2 B's.
    needless to say, we have very little time to talk. he texts when he can. I know it will be worth it as he is moving down here after he graduates.
    Thankfully, I have ways to occupy my time, and I am very independant. But there are those times when I just want to hear his voice, or better yet be wrapped in his arms.
    I trust this man and he trusts me. Sometimes you have to sit back and look at the big picture and the future and not get bogged down with how things are at the moment and just get thru it.
    everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.

    Wow, your SO is one ambitious guy! It's amazing that he's been able to stay on task even dealing with the loss of his dad, and you're very good to help him with support and keep him motivated. I know how it must be hard to deal with less communication, but he'll graduate and you guys will close the distance before you know it! *HUGS* Hang in there!

