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How to start???

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    How to start???

    As many people I was not searching for love far away and never less a continent away, I was just looking to meet some nice friends from different countries and learn about other cultures. So I joined a Pen Pal site, I was interested in meeting people from Spain mainly because I wanted to go to Barcelona. I did not meet nobody from Spain, but met I guy from Germany, his profile seemed cool so I send him a message, which he replied. Since then we have spoken about anything and everything and he is just such an awesome guy! We have also even talked about how we thought that looking for a distance relationship is not logical and all that, when we first started talking.

    No two months later I cannot stop thinking about him, we spend hours online talking by messages, I also called him once but I felt a bit embarrassed or like I was stoking him. We totally have chemistry and so much in common. But I don’t really know how he feels towards me, and after 2 months of talking online I feel kind lame for liking him.

    So I really don’t know what to do, or like what I could ask to have a clue how he feels. Can anybody help?

    First off, you're not lame! Have you skyped with each other? I think that would be the next step to get some face time.
    Made it official: 12-01-10
    First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
    Closed the distance: 07-31-13


      I'd just ask him how he feels... be brave and go for it. It's better than never knowing.


        There is nothing silly or lame about falling for someone who may live halfway across the world. It just makes things a bit more complicated

        Skype is completely the next step if you haven't already downloaded it. I could not imagine being in a relationship with someone over 6k miles away and not have my skype for contact. Offer to voice chat with him!

        Sharing feelings, especially with a screen in between can be really awkward. I'd say give it some time, get to know him over Skype and see where it leads. It took the two of us here 7 years to finally admit that we were completely stupid in love with each it can take awhile!


          Yeees, agreed ! Skype is really next step for both of you.. You can see each other's faces and it will be really cool. After some time from seeing each other in skype you will easily guess if you are in love which isnt really lame to love someone from long distance. I can tell that super cool feeling is waiting for you x


            First off thanks for all the replies so cool that your cared enough to comment

            Yes I know skype would be the next step buy for my bad luck he is a bit anti- tech so no smartphone, no Fb and he says that he can’t get skype to run, I’m not sure why honestly, I don’t believe he is lying, because he seems a nice guy and he has mentioned the internet access is horrible in the town he lives. And well I don’t want to be too insistent. I guess time will tell.


              Originally posted by Amanda89 View Post
              As many people I was not searching for love far away and never less a continent away, I was just looking to meet some nice friends from different countries and learn about other cultures. So I joined a Pen Pal site, I was interested in meeting people from Spain mainly because I wanted to go to Barcelona. I did not meet nobody from Spain, but met I guy from Germany, his profile seemed cool so I send him a message, which he replied. Since then we have spoken about anything and everything and he is just such an awesome guy! We have also even talked about how we thought that looking for a distance relationship is not logical and all that, when we first started talking.

              No two months later I cannot stop thinking about him, we spend hours online talking by messages, I also called him once but I felt a bit embarrassed or like I was stoking him. We totally have chemistry and so much in common. But I don’t really know how he feels towards me, and after 2 months of talking online I feel kind lame for liking him.

              So I really don’t know what to do, or like what I could ask to have a clue how he feels. Can anybody help?
              What about Yahoo Messenger? Can he speak english

              I do have one question about this relationship with him since you said he was German....Sprechen zie deutch?
              Last edited by Chris516; July 4, 2013, 02:08 PM.

              First Visit: September 2016
              Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
              Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

              John 3:16
              For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
              John 4:12
              I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                I have never considered that... thanks ill see if he is up to it!

                He can speak english, and no i cant speak german.


                  If I told you I fell in love with my fiance at his first "hi" from facebook message, wouldn't that be even lamer? lol So no, it is not lame, love just happens in the most unpredictable and mysterious way. I conquer all the suggestions above. Start with voice chat, then progress to video chat then see how it goes. And if the "could there be something between us" conversation hasn't been brought up, I would start a topic like "what kind of girls do you like"? Trust me, if he is into you, he will give you a hint. I asked my fiance that question, he answered with a big grin "a girl with black hair and blue eyes, so special". He said that because I have a picture of me on my facebook which I had black hair and wore blue contacts.

                  Good luck and best of wishes this all turn out well!


                    Originally posted by Amanda89 View Post
                    As many people I was not searching for love far away and never less a continent away, I was just looking to meet some nice friends from different countries and learn about other cultures. So I joined a Pen Pal site, I was interested in meeting people from Spain mainly because I wanted to go to Barcelona. I did not meet nobody from Spain, but met I guy from Germany, his profile seemed cool so I send him a message, which he replied. Since then we have spoken about anything and everything and he is just such an awesome guy! We have also even talked about how we thought that looking for a distance relationship is not logical and all that, when we first started talking.

                    No two months later I cannot stop thinking about him, we spend hours online talking by messages, I also called him once but I felt a bit embarrassed or like I was stoking him. We totally have chemistry and so much in common. But I don’t really know how he feels towards me, and after 2 months of talking online I feel kind lame for liking him.

                    So I really don’t know what to do, or like what I could ask to have a clue how he feels. Can anybody help?
                    This is very similar to how me and my SO met up. Not with the pen pal, just by chance on a forum, but we did have that same talk multiple times about how impossible it would be to even think of dating. Like you, we just could not help ourselves.

                    I now believe if it is meant to be it will. We never skyped but exchanged pics after 6 months and met up not long after in person as friends. We were dating within a few days and serious within a few months.

                    Whatever form of communication works for you. We spent a lot of time PMing through our forum, sending regular emails and pics and vids and chatting while watching stuff together. We progressed to phone calls on Skype and after meeting in person Vid calls on skype. I think, it is just, whatever works best for you. He works a ton now and even though I am with him for summer in the apartment, he still sends me texts and calls me most days from work during his breaks.

                    In a nutshell, communication is vital, but how you do it, is up to the two of you.
                    "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                    Benjamin Franklin


                      Good lord, reading these makes me realise I how forward I was..... I got a bit tipsy one night and basically demanded my SO (well then my friend) to marry me in a castle in England...... he never did say no


                        you're not alone! I fell in love with my SO the moment he popped in Omegle and told me he hates fish. Gaaaah I'm set for life!!!!


                          Thanks again for the good advise, i hinted for yahoo msn like chris516 sugested but he did not take it. And relly thinking about it i dont think that he is the type of guy for a LDR so i better just better forget about it and just be his friend.

                          So again thanks and wish you all the best

