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Problems in my long distance relationship..:/

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    Problems in my long distance relationship..:/

    Hey, me and my ldr boyfriend are in a relationship for almost a month. We love each other alot.. And we both know it. But i have a few problems..

    1.First one is, we barely talk. He is very busy with work..i know he has his life and i have mine and we both have important things to do but still.. I miss him so much. And it doesn't seem like he cares.. I talked to him about it before and he agreed and said he is trying the best he can to talk to me and said he will be more responsive and try harder to talk to me and he did but only for two days and then he got very busy again.. I dont know wht do to. I dot want to nag him.. But its impossible.. We barely talk and i dont want to lose him..what can i do?

    2.The second problem is.. He is making me jealous all the time.. Alot of girls like him and wants him to be they're bf and send him pictures of them with less clothes.. And im scared he will fall inlove with them or cheat on me.. I do trust him but i dont trust those girl who will do anything to get him to be more then friends with them.. What can i tell him?

    3.he is very sarcastic.. Like all the time. Unless the situation is really bad and im crying or something he is very sarcastic.. He tells me about things like i ask him "what are you doing?" and he says something like "fuking my neighbor" or something like that, i know he doesn't mean it but its still annoying sometimes. What can i do to make him be a bit more serious? I dont want him to just change but i do want him to start controlling what he says because it hurts me.. Please help me../:

    I'm sorry you're fresh into it and having problems..

    1) I would put my foot down and make it clear to him I need more time. Otheriwse, I know there are a lot of couples on here who talk once or twice a week because they are buys and the time difference sucks. Missing someone is just part of the LDR deal.. and you need to figure out if you can cope with not talking to him that often, in case he really can't eb around more.

    2).. if you trust him, you trust him. You are very far away, and you are just making the situation worse for yourself if you imagine him fallin for chicks who are trhowing themselves at you. He is with you for a reason and you have to remind yourself of that and trust it.
    Ona different note, what you're describing there sounds a bit weird to me..

    3) tell him it bothers you .. or try to get over it ?..


      Okay thank you.


        Why did you make a new thread? People already gave lots of advice and opinions in the other one, so there's really no need for you to create it again.


          Originally posted by MissButterfly View Post
          Why did you make a new thread? People already gave lots of advice and opinions in the other one, so there's really no need for you to create it again.
          I was wondering the same thing. Looks like the OP is just trying to get attention.


            Honestly he sounds like a massive douche


              Im new>.< so i thought nobody saw that sorry>_<


                Originally posted by emilyeas12 View Post
                Im new>.< so i thought nobody saw that sorry>_<
                People will see it, you just have to have a little patience. The members of this forum are from all over the world, so if you don't get an instant reply, it's not necessarily that your question is being ignored, but more likely that no one is online.

                2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                Progress: Complete!

                2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                Progress: Working on it.


                  yeah i realized that

