In April, I had my second pulmonary emboli (blood clots in the lungs). Since then my life has become this whirlwind of doctor appointments, constant testing, and learning to be a lifelong coumadin user. Coumadin is a finicky drug that requires constant monitoring and really is just a giant pain in the ass. It can be really overwhelming for me at times, but 3 months later I’m pretty sure I have got the majority of it figured out. It helps that this is time #2 for me, and even though it was much much worse this time around, I’m pretty familiar with the treatment.
My SO handles the whole thing wonderfully. He wasn't around for the first PE therefore all of this is new for him. He asks questions after my appointments and is always asking if my INR levels were therapeutic. He’s done a lot of research on his own. He knows that blood clots = bad and that blood clots in your lungs = really bad. We've seen each other twice since April, and I’m pretty sure at this point that I have managed to convince him that I am not dying.
The problem is LDRs are already stressful and adding in a major health concern just makes it that much more stressful. I find myself trying to balance the best way to keep my SO involved without overwhelming him even more, and he finds himself trying to not overwhelm me with the constant questions and constantly making sure I’m feeling okay. I'm already really open with him about the topic. I tell him when I hurt (as I still have some side pain from it), and I tell him when I feel off, but often his mind automatically goes to the worse thing. I have to find a way to reassure him that I'll know if this is PE related and he doesn't have to constantly worry. I think it’s probably just really hard on him since he isn't actually here with me.
I was wondering if anyone else deals with health issues within their LDR and how you handle the stress of both. Also, how you manage to keep your SO involved without overwhelming them with constant medical talk and making them constantly worry.
My SO handles the whole thing wonderfully. He wasn't around for the first PE therefore all of this is new for him. He asks questions after my appointments and is always asking if my INR levels were therapeutic. He’s done a lot of research on his own. He knows that blood clots = bad and that blood clots in your lungs = really bad. We've seen each other twice since April, and I’m pretty sure at this point that I have managed to convince him that I am not dying.
The problem is LDRs are already stressful and adding in a major health concern just makes it that much more stressful. I find myself trying to balance the best way to keep my SO involved without overwhelming him even more, and he finds himself trying to not overwhelm me with the constant questions and constantly making sure I’m feeling okay. I'm already really open with him about the topic. I tell him when I hurt (as I still have some side pain from it), and I tell him when I feel off, but often his mind automatically goes to the worse thing. I have to find a way to reassure him that I'll know if this is PE related and he doesn't have to constantly worry. I think it’s probably just really hard on him since he isn't actually here with me.
I was wondering if anyone else deals with health issues within their LDR and how you handle the stress of both. Also, how you manage to keep your SO involved without overwhelming them with constant medical talk and making them constantly worry.