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That's it then. It's over. What happens from here, I don't know.

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    That's it then. It's over. What happens from here, I don't know.

    I'm sure some of you may have seen my previous thread. If not, here is the link:


    We've been talking for a little over a week now. Seeing if we could work through it. Seeing if we could make things right. Well... we've broken up. 4 years of being in a relationship with her, is now over. 3 years of being best friends before that. 7 years of my life.

    I honestly never thought this would happen and I don't know what is going to happen from here. We've decided, that for both of us, we would remain friends and keep some contact. At least for a while. No contact won't help us heal. We both want some closure and we both believe contact as friends will help bring that along.

    I just wanted to thank everyone who gave me advice in the last thread. I'm going to receive therapy ASAP, and start some other things to help treat the issues I was having, and the pain I'm in now. I will never allow myself to be who I was. That's the biggest reason for the therapy. To become a better person. I just really don't know what to do from here... she told me there is no chance of us ever being in a relationship again. Nothing beyond friends. I wish her the best, I truly do. And I still love her with all of my being and heart. I know it's going to take a very long time and that it's going to be very hard, but my healing process has started.

    I've decided that I'm going to put all our things... framed pictures, pictures and videos of us on a USB stick, stuffed animals, rings, bracelets, etc. into a box, and the day that I feel ready, I can look back through it and smile.

    I'm scared, lost, and in extreme pain. But I know that she is suffering too. She's a good person. She made a mistake, but I know she will learn from it and she will never repeat it again in her future. I hope that everything goes well for her and that she heals completely and moves on to have a fulfilled and happy life.

    I don't know why I'm making this thread... closure on this website, maybe. I truly wish you all the best, and keep strong and faithful to those you love, be there for them. I truly hope no one here, or anywhere, has to feel the pain I do. And if anyone ever needs to PM me for help, I may be able to provide experience and advice.

    Best wishes and good luck to all

    Stay strong! I know what you're going through, and as with everything time will heal this big wound as well.

    there's no reason you can't stay around on the website btw

    You seem to handle it healthy and maturely though. If you're not already, go to a gym. that'll keep your head and body busy and you'll feel physically better and stronger

    Good luck!


      I'm sorry to hear this Chris...although I didn't comment on the original post, I followed the story. Not every couple can regain the love and trust after infidelity. And I'm sure if you two thought you could, you would. Good luck, whatever happens.

      When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

      True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

      When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

      1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


        Originally posted by BabyGund View Post
        I'm sorry to hear this Chris...although I didn't comment on the original post, I followed the story. Not every couple can regain the love and trust after infidelity. And I'm sure if you two thought you could, you would. Good luck, whatever happens.
        I knew we could work through it. I didn't want it to end...

        She ended it. I'll support her decision even though I don't like it.


          Im sorry to hear that.. Stay strong Chris. You're a great guy. She doesn't appreciate that so she doesn't deserve a great guy like you. I wish you the best of luck with your healing process and hope this pain you're feeling will end soon. Just try to keep your smile up your face and be positive


            Chris, everything happens for a reason. I'm pretty sure that despite the fact that this relationship ended, there's something that you can learn from it. This will help you move on and love life despite the negative things that happened to you. People will always come and go, and we have to accept that. Every person that comes and goes into our lives can help us become a better person.

            You can do it. The LFAD community will always be here for you.


              I'm really sorry....

