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I'm another one of those who met their boyfriends in WoW! Actually, I never had bf who didn't play it, lol. My first boyfriend ever brought me to the game and I met my current boyfriend and two my exes there.
This is my third LDR. I'm not much of a social butterfly offline and I just seem to click really well with people I meet online more often than I do in every day life. It's easier to meet people online, for me anyway. You find people on forums and things who have the same interests as you do and ta da! You spend so much time online communicating and getting to know each other. How many strong friendships have we all made on LFAD? I met my first SO in WoW, and the next two on OKC. (All of them have been WoW players, for all the other people here who are saying they met their SOs in WoW ) It was just a coincidence that they're all American...OR IS IT?! Dun dun dunnnn...
Honestly I have never dated in a close distance relationship. It probably has a lot to do with me never really going out and being social and where I live as well. I don't really live the men where I live though. I feel really comfortable getting to know someone over the phone. I have dated about 5 men although I don't really count one of them. I was really young and didn't know how to have a relationship to well. I grew out of that stage though and have been in my longest relationship with Mike. I would probably say that I am much better of in a long distance relationship. I really do wish I could have physical contact but it's worth it in the end. If I had to choose to date long distance and then become close distance or just close distance. I would choose long distance, I guess you can really find out about someone's personality really well when all you do is talk. Of course being with someone in person you find out other things but there is a lot more talking in long distance then there is close distance. I think you can be addicted with anything, but really it's probably just a preference.
Oh yes and about the age thing, my boyfriend is 19 and is a firefighter. He has done far more then anyone I have met at his age. It really just depends on how motivated someone is I guess.
Hummm.. my LDR started close distance. I doubt that I could really fall in love for someone so far away. I mean, I really enjoy talking to someone by email or chat, because the only thing that matters are the words, but I really doutb something could grow out of there (in my case).
Maybe LDAF won't like what I say but sometimes I think this forum gets too much into the "we are LDR therefore we met LDR...". It is not my case so sometimes I miss having more threads about CD's that became LD's, because some things such as "the first time we are going to see each other!!!!" has nothing to do with a lot of LDR I know. but anyways :P I don't think it's possible to be adicted. But I think that some people, by their characters, are more inclined to fall for an LDR person. I once had a connection with a guy online, but it was actually because we met first, although our thing was "wow, I now see how interesting you are just by talking".
If the distance is the only thing pulling you back (because it seems you're falling for him) maybe.... you should decide with time what kind of relationship would you like to have with him. There is, I believe, an addiction to 'love' (those people who are always trying to find love at any costs) but that does not seems the case so I wouldn't worry about being adicted
EDIT: actually... change of mind... there is a possibility that someone is actually afraid of CD or introvert or low self-esteemed, and see themselves in a LDR a lot of time because of that. Not because they love it more, but to escape from physical contact, maybe?
Hehehe I just want to react about the money thing?
My SO is 19, two years younger than me. He works a minimum wage job in the US and has a good enough amount of money in his savings account. He's really thrift. He has saved his $3000 budget for his trip here in three months, and he hasn't even taken money from his trust fund which can pay for about 250 roundtrip flights from the US to the Philippines. So don't ever think that 20-year-old people can't have enough money for a trip.
With regards to being hooked into LDRs, my one and only ex was a guy I also met in a virtual world before meeting in person. I guess I'm just really better in getting to know people online than in person (???) so it's really possible. It depends on your personality.