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    A break.

    that's what we're doing right now. :/
    I really just don't know what to do. He told me he was tired of hurting me...that he has so many issues of his own to take care of. he did this through a text message btw.
    I tried to call him a few times...because I wanted to talk about it or really just to ask him if there was a chance of us getting back together.
    This break thing is new to me. I really don't want it to end like this.
    and well I don't want anyone else. He's pretty much perfect for me.

    Its been a week since this happened.
    What should I do? I'm confused...I know he needs his time...But i just feel like I need some type of reassurance of what going to happen after this break?

    I would send an email or a text back giving your perspective on things. I would let him know how I felt about the break, and voice my concerns about the future. I would be sure to let him know that I needed to know for sure if there were plans for us after the break or not.

    I hope things work out for you!


      I don't know how I feel about taking a 'break'. This is not a very smart decision to me, but whatever floats his boat. You need to communicate that if he needs his time, that's fine, but that you don't want to lose him from your life.


        Maybe he needs time to straighten things out in his head. You can text him or call him (leave him a voicemail if he doesn't answer). But don't be too clingy because he might just need his time. Good luck! I hope everything works out!


          Don't bother him too much, that's not giving him the space he seems to feel he needs by taking this break. Send him an email or something to let him know what you're feeling and then just leave him alone for a while, let him contact you. This may not end the way you want it to....I've gone a break in a past relationship and he wasn't ready until a year later when I had already moved on.


            Pardon the assumption, it sounds like the break wasn't something you BOTH agreed on. If he just texts you one day and says "we need time apart I have stuff to sort out" and cuts contact, that's not really working together as a couple.

            Me I don't like the whole 'break' thing because honestly I figure in these situations you get enough time to yourself as it is and you don't have to put up fronts with text since you can't have tone with them. However if he's having personal issues or something's going on in his life or having second thoughts then I can't wholly blame him for wedging distance to spare hurt even though it sounds like the fact there IS distance, emotionally, is causing hurt.

            The best you can do at this point is perhaps call his phone or leave an e-mail, wherever you have the chance to leave a bit of a lengthy message, and tell him that you're there for him no matter what, you hope he's doing alright, you miss him and that it's hard not hearing from him like you used to, and if there's anything you can do from where you are to let you know and you'll be glad to help.


              I'm also no fan of the break. I feel like basically what happens with them is the person who initiates it does their thing while the person who was sort of the bystander ends up waiting around with no real notion of what's going to happen, and that's not fair. It gives them all the power, and that's never good and also makes you feel helpless.

              Personally, I think it was a bizarre and immature choice for him to text you that he needed a break. That's something that he should have at least spoken to you over the phone about. It's really quite cruel to hand down this decision without any discussion, without allowing you to voice your thoughts, and without any closure. You're left hanging there.

              I would try and contact him somehow, maybe email. Because you deserve and explanation and you deserve to know whether you're wasting your time. He owes you that. My post sounds rather forceful. Try and be gentle, of course, but know that you deserve better than "until further notice".
              (Sorry, personal feelings! Not with the "break" but with the unanimity of it!)


                Thanks everyone.
                Yeah. I do hate not knowing whats going to happen. and I just have no clue where to go. do I stay and wait? (not like I have any one waiting) because I just have no clue when he's going to txt/call.
                and yeah. I hated the fact that he did it over txt. but he hasn't answered any of my txt as of lately. so. its basically a waiting game for me.
                He's going back to school soon. So maybe...thats when I'll get a phonecall or at least something.
                I'm going to call him saturday. leave him a message. and well pray that helps in someway.

