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Saying Goodbye.

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    Saying Goodbye.

    This is my first thread - newbie! So hopefully it will all be okay!

    I saw my SO over the weekend and had to leave this morning, we said goodbye when he left for work and for once I couldn't contain my emotion and got rather tearful! I thought that would be the last time I saw him before I left but in fact we (his mum and I) had to visit him at work during his lunchbreak to drop something off so I had to say goodbye... again. This time was only a fleeting visit, I didn't even get a kiss on the lips, just a kiss on the forehead and a "Bye Baby" and a little hand wave. The goodbye isn't really the problem, it's just every time I think back to that last moment it's like I said goodbye for the last time and it keeps really upsetting me! I was wondering if any of you have felt the same sometimes? If so how you got through it?

    Thank you to anyone who replies the distance between my SO and I isn't huge so congrats to all you awesome people

    Originally posted by Gingersquish View Post
    This is my first thread - newbie! So hopefully it will all be okay!

    I saw my SO over the weekend and had to leave this morning, we said goodbye when he left for work and for once I couldn't contain my emotion and got rather tearful! I thought that would be the last time I saw him before I left but in fact we (his mum and I) had to visit him at work during his lunchbreak to drop something off so I had to say goodbye... again. This time was only a fleeting visit, I didn't even get a kiss on the lips, just a kiss on the forehead and a "Bye Baby" and a little hand wave. The goodbye isn't really the problem, it's just every time I think back to that last moment it's like I said goodbye for the last time and it keeps really upsetting me! I was wondering if any of you have felt the same sometimes? If so how you got through it?

    Thank you to anyone who replies the distance between my SO and I isn't huge so congrats to all you awesome people
    I am glad you are not upset by his only goodbye at work being a kiss on the forehead. I would have been feeling like, 'Oh, Is that all I am worth to for just five seconds!!'.

    As to your feeling like you said goodbye for the last time, that is why I make sure that the last thing my fiance hears/sees' from me is 'I Love You'. Because, In a sense, I am 'saving the best for last'. I also say it plenty more times on the phone, during and in addition to ending the conversation that way.

    First Visit: September 2016
    Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
    Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

    John 3:16
    For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
    John 4:12
    I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


      Really appreciate your comment, thank you! We normally have our own little sign language to end conversations etc but it doesn't always get used, but I love what you do. All the best!


        Aw I know those feels, it's so hard to think about, I try to not to too much. The last time I said goodbye to my SO (besides the weekend vacation we spent together two weeks ago) was when he graduated basic training and he got the weekend off but the last day he had to go back to the dorms and leave for tech school the next day. We all just stood there and watched him walk away until he entered the building on the other side of the street. It took everything I had not to run after him.
        BUT! That aside, I try not to remember the sad goodbyes but the happy reunion that awaits us
        Began our story ~ July 1, 2007
        Our first LDR ~ August 2009
        Closed the distance ~ January 2011
        He joined the Air Force ~ January 1, 2013
        Our second LDR ~ January 2, 2013
        He proposed ~ July 4, 2013
        Our wedding day ~ December 30, 2014
        Closing the distance ~ Summer 2015

        Proud of my Airman!!


          Originally posted by ushiwakafox View Post
          BUT! That aside, I try not to remember the sad goodbyes but the happy reunion that awaits us
          Thank you so much for your encouragement! Made me smile I know it won't be this hard all the time!

