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The dreaded words ...

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    The dreaded words ...


    Yup, Some may know how what it feels like when you hear that word, some may not. But regardless you can all imagine how it WOULD feel if that word come out of your SO's mouth.

    Falling in love with an American Soldier i guess i was asking for trouble. Justin my SO has done 2 tours of Afghanistan as you all know and i am very proud. But through the times of his 2 1 year deployments we wasnt together we were just friends exchanging skype talks and phone calls every now and again to boost his morale.


    My SO broke the news to me that in April 2012 he will be gone for a month and his unable to tell me where and why (which i understand) and then the words slowly creeped from his mouth when he kindly broke the news to me that September 2014 he is being deployed to Kuwait for 9 months.

    Yes i know its still over a year away (well its not ONLY before i know it December will be here and hell be visitng and then bobs your uncle will be planning a last trip before he gets deployed)
    Yes i know what i have let myself in for
    No im not looking fo sympathy

    But yes i am kind of just expressing my feelings as im typing this out. I always told him which ever route he gets sent down i will be behinde him every step of the way. Afterall 9 months .. whats 9 months? were going 6 months apart now from our last visit until our next which is in December.

    I guess i'm just curious to where we will be at that point in our relationship. If ill be in the states by myself or staying with his mom, or at home. Its crazy to think about it all and its a lot to take it at the moment.

    Hearing the words Deployment is enought to make me feel empty anyways let alone it being the man i am so deeply in love with. i Know i have 14 months to go before this happens but as you all know time flys by when your waiting around for vsits so i know this is slowly going to creep up and tap me on the shoulder. I wont allow myself to dwell on the deployment at all. And it was such a amazing feeling to hear my SO last night after he had broke the news too me he said ' I Know you are going to be the strong, brave woman that i fell so in love with and i am thankful that this time round i have you to support me '.

    I'm sorry for the rant and i'm sorry if ive wasted your time while you read this. Just putting my finger to the keyboard!

    That's terrible to hear and I hope everything works out for the best and that you're able to pull it through.

    If it makes you feel any better, Kuwait is a fairly safe area to be deployed to.


      My brother was in Kuwait for around 3-4 weeks before he moved onto a 6 month tour in Iraq in 2007.

      So i know out of all the places that its ok. Im just worried to what its going to lead too. :/


        You can do it!!! Were you planning to be CD by then? He is very lucky to have you by his side...
        keep strong!


          Originally posted by Jess! View Post
          You can do it!!! Were you planning to be CD by then? He is very lucky to have you by his side...
          keep strong!
          Thank you ever so much Jess. Well we know we wanted to try and be CD by then. And he always said if we were he would like me to stay with his mum or come home, He wouldnt want me to feel alone at the place we would be living! His obviously looking out for me in that way. But yeah i guess i am hoping we would of closed the distance by then. Because if we hadnt its another 9 months added on to slowly it all down.

          I try my best to support him in every way that i can


            Originally posted by Louise_B View Post
            Thank you ever so much Jess. Well we know we wanted to try and be CD by then. And he always said if we were he would like me to stay with his mum or come home, He wouldnt want me to feel alone at the place we would be living! His obviously looking out for me in that way. But yeah i guess i am hoping we would of closed the distance by then. Because if we hadnt its another 9 months added on to slowly it all down.

            I try my best to support him in every way that i can

            Humm the idea of staying with his family is very kind, and at the end of the day, if two people are already LDR and you know already that some months later you'll still have to be apart, you have time to get used to the idea. Imagine you were two months from closing the distance and then he got those news. You now have time to adjust to this little bump and get used to it, and start to plan your future after that.
            All the luck in the world!


              My guy is in the Military too, he hasn't been deployed yet but I'm dreading those words too. I suppose all we can do is be their smiles and their strength. I'm sure I don't have to tell you to make the most of your trips and time you have together. Try not to get ahead of yourself in terms of where you'll be in your relationship by the time that time rolls around. Like Jess said, give yourself time to get used to the thought and then tackle the future. Take a deep breath and take it one step at a time (:
              “The ties that binds us are sometimes impossible to explain. They connect us even after it seems like the ties should be broken. Some bonds defy distance and time and logic; Because some ties are simply… meant to be.” - Grey’s Anatomy

              >Little Box<


                Originally posted by commasplice View Post
                give yourself time to get used to the thought and then tackle the future. Take a deep breath and take it one step at a time (:
                It will take some getting used too. I can cope with the distance sometimes, like we all have our days But the thought of going weeks without a phonecall or seeing his face i am dreading just a little. But i am A very strong woman and like he said his glad his got me to support him and that is exactly what i will do

                Try not to get ahead of yourself in terms of where you'll be in your relationship by the time that time rolls around
                I know what you mean, Its just hard as we all know where we can to be in a few years time, and what we want to happen and where we want to be. Me and Justin kind of had it all sussed out. We probably still do im just obviously knocked back a bit by the news.

                Thanks Hunnie! Us military girlfriends needs to stick together sometimes!


                  I'm sorry honey <3 I know that's got to be hard. But,as others have said I know you'll make it through,you're strong. Seeing this makes me thankful that I don't have to deal with D going out on cruise since he's been out of the Navy for a bit. I don't know what I'd do if I had to deal with that.

                  ♥ In 666 Ways I Love You & My Heaven Is Wherever You Are. I'm For You. ♥

                  We Met: June 9,2010
                  Back Together: August 1,2012
                  First Visit: September 21,2012 - September 29,2012
                  Second Visit: January 13,2013 - February 24,2013
                  Engaged: January 17,2013
                  Closed The Distance-MS - AZ: June 15th,2013
                  Moved To FL Together: November 14,2013
                  We Got Married! - July 3,2014
                  SO Graduated College - August 7,2015
                  Moved to Ky - August 10, 2015


                    Well... In a way, it's almost a blessing to know this much in advance. I've heard of some military couples who had 24 hours notice.

                    I'm waiting on my SO to get a duty station... And he's hoping we can close the distance before he's cut orders for a deployment. But it scares me... We get married, we live together, and then bam, a few months later, I'm alone for almost a year in an area I'm unfamiliar with. But as a weekend warrior myself, I can definitely understand the importance of every active duty soldier's mission!

