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Bit Confused Please Help

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    Bit Confused Please Help

    I hope someone can help me here cause im a bit confused. So I'm tired of my life where it is after my separation from my ex I have been livin with my mom in a town that has no jobs so I am not working so it leaves me with little odd jobs online to make a little money. My friend in Colorado invited me to stay with him to get on my feet but my heart is in Kansas with my other half. He is unemployed right now and he said he can't have me live with him cause he is barely scraping by as is. When I got the idea up that maybe movin to colorado wasn't a great idea due to that is not what I really wanted I decided maybe finishing out my G.E.D. then gettin enrolled in a college in my other halfs town. They told me they could put me in a dorm and all and I would be close to him.

    Tonight I mentioned it to him and granted he has been sick and all but it just didn't feel like he was excited about it as me. We have met once before last september and everything was great. Our relationship has been great and I know he moves slow in relationships and i mean like a snail. Anyways I asked him if he wanted me out there close by and he said sure it would be fun. I guess I was expecting a chipper response like me but sadly I didn't get it. I figure I'm probably over analyzing it to be worse than it is like I always do. He said come out and you can get set up and all and it would be great to have me around. I know he will be living with some friends soon so I don't know how much alone time we would even have with me in college dorm and him in a friends house not to mention I have to leave my cat behind for awhile and I hate that.

    I'm just not sure what to do should I go through with the schooling and maybe when we are closer we can figure out our relationship even more or am I stupid to leave and go out there if he doesn't sound quiet as excited as me. Does it sound life I'm over analyzing way too much? I love him and don't want to spend another day without him by my side sad enough I will probably not move out there til next summer due to G.E.d. and financial aid and such. I'm scared if I move out there I'm gonna be alone and I won't see him much or somethin cause he is the only reason I'm really moving near him. I hope to save money up while in college so we can get our own place. My bf is one of these guys who deals with things even more when they are in front of him and he procrastinates about everything. Yet he is still raised that if a man can't financially take care of a woman then they shouldn't live together. He is afraid since he barely has a pot to piss in that he can't help take care of me and he has nothin to offer. So any input is greatly appreciated.

    Originally posted by lovebunnie1212 View Post
    I hope someone can help me here cause im a bit confused. So I'm tired of my life where it is after my separation from my ex I have been livin with my mom in a town that has no jobs so I am not working so it leaves me with little odd jobs online to make a little money. My friend in Colorado invited me to stay with him to get on my feet but my heart is in Kansas with my other half. He is unemployed right now and he said he can't have me live with him cause he is barely scraping by as is. When I got the idea up that maybe movin to colorado wasn't a great idea due to that is not what I really wanted I decided maybe finishing out my G.E.D. then gettin enrolled in a college in my other halfs town. They told me they could put me in a dorm and all and I would be close to him.

    Tonight I mentioned it to him and granted he has been sick and all but it just didn't feel like he was excited about it as me. We have met once before last september and everything was great. Our relationship has been great and I know he moves slow in relationships and i mean like a snail. Anyways I asked him if he wanted me out there close by and he said sure it would be fun. I guess I was expecting a chipper response like me but sadly I didn't get it. I figure I'm probably over analyzing it to be worse than it is like I always do. He said come out and you can get set up and all and it would be great to have me around. I know he will be living with some friends soon so I don't know how much alone time we would even have with me in college dorm and him in a friends house not to mention I have to leave my cat behind for awhile and I hate that.

    I'm just not sure what to do should I go through with the schooling and maybe when we are closer we can figure out our relationship even more or am I stupid to leave and go out there if he doesn't sound quiet as excited as me. Does it sound life I'm over analyzing way too much? I love him and don't want to spend another day without him by my side sad enough I will probably not move out there til next summer due to G.E.d. and financial aid and such. I'm scared if I move out there I'm gonna be alone and I won't see him much or somethin cause he is the only reason I'm really moving near him. I hope to save money up while in college so we can get our own place. My bf is one of these guys who deals with things even more when they are in front of him and he procrastinates about everything. Yet he is still raised that if a man can't financially take care of a woman then they shouldn't live together. He is afraid since he barely has a pot to piss in that he can't help take care of me and he has nothin to offer. So any input is greatly appreciated.
    Get your G.E.D. first, for your educational sake, and second for your cat's sake.

    Then find off-campus housing also for the sake of your cat.

    Then you can worry about the status of your relationship.

    First Visit: September 2016
    Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
    Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

    John 3:16
    For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
    John 4:12
    I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


      Worry about the GED first. Not all schools are as easy to get in with a GED. As soon as you get it, apply to school and financial aid. There are very strict deadlines. But you must do this for you! Not for someone else. You can't go to school based on a bf because if it doesn't work out with him them you will want to quit school. If you are using financial aid an you quit you h e to pu that money back
      everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.


        I think it would be silly to not put your own well being first. Get your education and then worry about all this.


          Originally posted by subeasley View Post
          Worry about the GED first.

          You can't go to school based on a bf because if it doesn't work out with him them you will want to quit school. If you are using financial aid an you quit you h e to pu that money back
          This. Even if you get a Pell grant through financial aid,don't be fooled,if it didn't work out and you wound up quitting less then %60 into your semester then you would have to pay that money back. I learned this myself the hard way. So if you're going to go,go for yourself and not for anyone else. This may always be apart of your future,he may not always be. Not trying to discourage you or your relationship,just being realistic with you.

          ♥ In 666 Ways I Love You & My Heaven Is Wherever You Are. I'm For You. ♥

          We Met: June 9,2010
          Back Together: August 1,2012
          First Visit: September 21,2012 - September 29,2012
          Second Visit: January 13,2013 - February 24,2013
          Engaged: January 17,2013
          Closed The Distance-MS - AZ: June 15th,2013
          Moved To FL Together: November 14,2013
          We Got Married! - July 3,2014
          SO Graduated College - August 7,2015
          Moved to Ky - August 10, 2015


            What part of NC are you in? You cant just go and take the ged, you have to take classes and and they wont let you take the actual test until you have a certain number of hours in. If i was you, I would look into community colleges in your area. it is much cheaper, and you could stay at home while taking classes. The difficulty level and class sizes are much easier than a regular college as well. Go a semester and get as good of grades as you can. if you do well, then transfer to where he is.
            Moving to a new area, while being unemployeed and going to school is going to be very stressful. ttrng to maintain a relationship on top of that could be a recipe for disaster. then you would be away from home and miserable.
            everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.


              thank you all for your input i do appreciate it all


                Originally posted by LadyDaemon View Post
                This. Even if you get a Pell grant through financial aid,don't be fooled,if it didn't work out and you wound up quitting less then %60 into your semester then you would have to pay that money back. I learned this myself the hard way. So if you're going to go,go for yourself and not for anyone else. This may always be apart of your future,he may not always be. Not trying to discourage you or your relationship,just being realistic with you.
                ^ This.

                Not to mention that if you move somewhere to attend school solely for your SO, you're going to be disappointed no matter what the outcome is because the ideal situation will never be the one that happens, and that's the situation that most people move for. Personally, however, I think pursuing your GED is a good thing. Right now, even people with Bachelor's degrees are fighting and clawing for jobs, and while the job market is improving, I will also say that most places won't even look twice at someone who does not even have a high school education. As horrible as that sounds, you require a high school education or GED to even apply somewhere like McDonalds, so you're setting yourself up for failure not to at least get a GED if not the four year degree that many other places, that pay well and offer the opportunity for careers to be built, require.

