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Surprising him with how I look!

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    Surprising him with how I look!

    Hi everyone,

    Thought I'd make a little announcement. I've just ordered NutriSystem and going on this diet thing for real! I gained quite a bit of weight with my trip to England this summer. Also, I think I got a little too comfortable with being in a relationship I hope to lose 30lbs by Christmas, which is the next time I see him. Hopefully he won't recognize me! LOL

    That's so good I hope everything works out with that!


      Awh, best of luck! Diets are hard, but stick with it


        Good luck with that!
        You have all the support you got from me. I'm trying to lose weight too and I know how hard it can be!


          Good luck with that, but remember to still be healthy about it too! Let us know how you go, and check back for support if a snack attack hits you.
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


            i'm trying to do the same thing! not with NutriSystem though.. just by working out and eating better! yayy
            [CENTER]"To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive."


              I am too! Good luck to you! I am laying low on th carbs and am going to invest in a vita mix, which my SO turned me onto when he lived near me. (Now that he's far I need my own!) But they are amazing, seriously.
              Lots of luck!


                Like lilybear, I'm just eating better and working out to lose weight.

                Good luck!


                  I lost 25 lbs and kept it off for a year and half but now I've gained back 10 Really quickly, too. So I'm watching what I eat more and am going to the gym more regularly. I never really stopped going entirely, but it died down to only like once a week, which is not enough.
                  Good luck to you! I'd like to hear what you think of Nutrisystem!


                    I hate to break it to you, but unless you plan to eat Nutisystem for the rest of your life, those weight loss results are going to be only temporary. For permanent weight loss, you need a complete change of lifestyle and diet (assuming the reasons for weight gain aren't medical). I suggest that if you want to keep the weight off, you see a nutritionist afterwards. I know, I'm a douche. I just want to warn you on how these fad diets get people.


                      Good luck with that!
                      I'm also trying to lose some weight. Just by eating healthier and intending to walk up the hill that we have to my uni campus every day instead of getting the bus or cable car ...this is the only good reason I have ever found the to fact that my university campus is up a big hill. I'm also going to maybe start biking to work on sundays.


                        I have to agree with Darth_taco, for your weight loss to be permanent you are going to have to change the way you eat and exercise. I know that because my mom has tried a million of these things and the only thing that actually stuck was the food schedule a nutritionist made for her that told how what amount of meat and vegetables she should eat at specific times a day, she eates 6-7 meals a day, and she started to work out a lot.


                          Good luck with it!
                          I have the same problem with 'gettin comfortable with bein in a relationship' x) And the fact that he still thinks that I'm "an gorgeous beautiful goddess" (what he said >_> lol) doesnt make it much easier to get motivated to loose weight. But I def want to!


                            You know what makes it even more difficult? Us guys not being allowed to say that our girls would be even prettier if they lost a bit of weight


                              Originally posted by William View Post
                              You know what makes it even more difficult? Us guys not being allowed to say that our girls would be even prettier if they lost a bit of weight
                              I think that would depend on how you say it, in my opinion. If you can find some way to say it that wouldn't offend your SO then say it, otherwise if it ends up sounding rude i don't know if would make your SO feel all that pretty with the way they look.

