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Meeting his family for the first time... :s

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    Meeting his family for the first time... :s

    HI GUYS!! Long time no see! Sorry about being away, I've had a lot going on! Got my first car (a little late in the game, I know) and got a new job!

    Aaaaanyway, I'm meeting Stephen's parents and brother on August 8th. I'm SO nervous. I know his parents like me, from talking to me on Skype and such, I'm just really scared to actually meet them in person. I'm mainly worried because of my weight issues...not that I think they won't like me because of that. I just worry that they'll judge me or something. Stephen has talked to them about it, and they seem really open and okay with it, he told them I was going to the gym everyday and working hard on it. There's just so much going through my mind! ALSO, I've ever been on a plane before!!!! I'm SO SCARED. Hahaha.

    Ugh...any tips you guys?

    Hello there!

    I think you're a bit exaggerating, his family is going to be just fine about you! When they'll see in person just how much you love their son, they'll like you even more! I don't think anyone should judge you because of your weight, it's not that way someone finds THE ONE. Relax, feel confident about yourself, also because, given your pictures, you look incredibly nice to me! It will be okay.
    As a tip for the meeting I'd say try not to be all over him in front of his family, it's good to show you care, but don't be sticky. Also maybe you could bring something like flowers of pastries for the mum? I always try to bring something to my boyfriend's parents, usually some typical food from my homeland good luck!


      First: To me flying feels like a train ride! If it's a long flight just get on the plane reaaaaaaally tired so you'll sleep most of the flight and won't even notice any difference to when you'd be taking a train (well the take off and landing feels different, but it's really no big deal!)

      Second: Don't worry about his parents! You skyped with them before so meeting his family in real life is going to be just fine! I was nervous about meeting his family too, mostly because he's a family oriented person and I wanted them to like me, but I was just the silly, weird me that he loves and they accepted me the way I am! Don't worry about weight either - they won't care a bit about it, no one is going to judge you AND you are working hard on losing it which is going to impress them a lot (sure impressed his family when I told them)!

      Relationship began: 05/22/2012
      First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
      Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
      Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
      Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
      Married: 1/24/2015
      Became Resident: 9/14/2015


        This is really exciting!

        Planes aren't so bad, and that's coming from a serious scaredy-cat! I can never sleep on them, so I bring books and store snacks in my purse, and usually end up buying a trashy magazine or two in the airport. Air travel and celebrity gossip just go hand in hand haha.

        I'm sure his family is excited to meet you and I wouldn't worry about them judging you. As long as you make a good first impression - just by being yourself! - you're set. Good luck, and have fun!


          I'm sure his family is just as nervous and excited as you are. They are probably going through all the things you could see and judge so... know that your not alone! You are a beautiful woman and his family is lucky to get the chance to know you. I'm sure they will love you.


            I've unfortunately created a fear of flying for myself. Something that really really helps me is if you feel like you're tensing up, you should tense your muscles even harder and then relax them. It feels good to be in control, and it helps your mind to relax when your body isn't so tense.

            Also, Xanax and a glass of wine is GREAT for anxiety...


              Just be yourself, try to enjoy his family and avoid awkward silences!! Always have a nice conversation with somebody and show interest for what they like, try to seem a nice, polite person to his parents and youŽll be totally fine!!

