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Ughh...that feeling :'(

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    Ughh...that feeling :'(

    The feeling when you just came back from an amazing visit with your SO!
    It's real depressing, and it gets harder every freaking time ughhh

    I know it's normal for us Long distance couples to feel like this after every visit, but it just seems like a part of me is missing :'c crying.

    Anyone have any ways of dealing with the sad feelings and depressing mood?????????????????? or do I have to just deal with it for a week or so?

    I'm always dealing with it, it's why I work so much overtime, because it takes my mind off it, on the plus side, money is better too.

    "Buddha made you for me" - My SO

    1st Met/Visit: Nov 2012 - Thailand
    2nd Visit: May 2013 - Thailand
    3rd Visit: Jun 2013 - Thailand
    4th Visit: Sep 2013 - Thailand
    5th Visit: Sep 2013 - Jan 2014 - UK
    6th Visit: Apr 2014 - Thailand - Marry
    7th Visit: Sept 14th 2014 - Thailand - Wedding Ceremony / Party
    Close the distance - Sept 21st 2014 - UK
    UK Wedding Party: November 8th 2014


      Tell me about it! My SO just left after being with me for a month and although this was the forth time we had said goodbye to one another it hasn't gotten any easier. I suppose what is making this time round a bit easier is actually having plans for future visits, whereas before we really didn't know when we would see each other again. Just take a deep breath and remember every day you are further away from when you left is a day closer to when you will see each other again I hope you start to feel normal again soon


        I think the best way of dealing with it is to remind yourself that you have another life at home which is fun and great - so try and keep busy, meet friends, maybe enjoy some of the things you don't get to do with your SO? Say you have a hobby he doesn't like or a TV show he hates, you can now take time to do these things.
        I also like to devote time to things I neglect a little due to excessive skyping with my SO, such as writing cards to my family and friends (I like writing to people every once in a while, it's a nice and personal way of communication), try new recipes, or meander about town exploring new shops etc.
        It really is just about finding the stuff that is great about your life at home and cherish them, which I think helps alot, especially friends and having a good time

        big hugs


          I'm still trying to cope after its been a month since I left. It's still hard but I keep telling myself we won't be away from each other forever. Start planning your next visit and do some fun stuff to get your mind off of it. It'll get better over time.


            The first time it took me a week to get over, I was a mess. I didn't eat or sleep properly, but luckily since then I've gotten way better at dealing with it. Firstly, I make sure there is always a next visit planned to look forward to, and I immediately start the countdown. Next, I let myself cry as much as I need to. Lastly, I make sure I make plans with friends and family to distract myself. It's good to have something to keep the mind busy.

            Just remember that the feeling (which we all know very well) WILL go away, and one day, when you close the distance this will be a distant memory


              THanks for the replies!

              Well today I visited my family (it was my birthday while I was with my SO) so it was fun seeing them
              Yeah, I've been keeping my mind completely busy since I came home last night, the only time I've cried since I got home was when I went to sleep!
              We don't know yet when we will be seeing each other again, maybe sometime in October and if her mum lets me, have Christmas with them in December :'D
              True, I shall keep in mind that we will close the distance someday (maybe in 3 years or so...)


                Happy belated birthday !

                This feeling sucks so much. For me, i don't really want to try and feel better for the first few days. I want to be sad, cry, miss him terribly and eat loads of chocolate I find that helps too. Letting it all out at the beginning. Then just get back into your normal routine and start planning that next trip.

