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I don't know where to start

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    I don't know where to start

    Okay, so me and my boyfriend have been inseparable since we became an item and see each other several times a week and now he's moving away for university and I am lost.
    Obviously because I'm here we've decided to give it a go long distance but I am dreading the thought of him being so many miles away. I'll miss him so much and I suppose I'll get used to it, I just wish I didn't have to.

    So my question is, how do I deal with the transition period? How often is too often/not enough to speak? We speak every day now. And more importantly, how do I not lose my mind?

    Any and all helpful advice is welcome x

    Hi there, welcome to the forum
    I'm sure it'll be quite difficult transitioning from a CDR to a LDR, especially since you see your SO often now. However, it's definitely possible to make your LDR work
    If you don't already have Skype on your computer, you should definitely install it. That way, you can actually see your SO when you chat. As far as talking goes, just do whatever you feel comfortable with. If you're happy talking with him every day, then you can still keep that up in your LDR. Also, planning visits with your SO and having a countdown will probably make the time go by faster until you see him.
    I'm sure this is a hard time that you're going through, but you can get through this! Best of luck to you


      Hello, welcome to LFAD!

      I think the typical talking for most people is at least once a day or every few days. I try to video chat with my SO when I can, so a few times a week. We also play online games together.

      The best thing you can do is keep yourself occupied. It will take a couple of weeks, if not months, to adjust to being LD. But there's something about being LD that IMO strengthens a relationship. It really will put you to the test. Just know, however, that it is well worth it in the end.

      Best of luck, and feel free to PM me if you have any issues. The people who are on these forums are also always open to giving advice, so don't be shy about posting. You've found the best place on the internet!


        Hello and welcome to the forums I talk to my SO every day, even if only for a little bit. We both have skype and that is our main way of communication. Even though our work schedules are conflicting, a lot, we still at least find time to talk even if it's for fifteen-twenty minutes; and throughout the day we text quite frequently. Phone calls and texts/skype is usually the best way to keep in contact. I don't know if anyone in this day and age ONLY go by snail mail anymore.

        Transitioning will be dificult; just keep in mind that you love him and you're counting down the days to see him. Keep yourself busy and focused on the 'now' and time will fly! Good luck and message me if you need anything as well. I'm new here as well and I have no friends that are in LDR's, ha. Good luck
        We've got each other and that's a lot
        For love - we'll give it a shot


          Give yourself time, it's a lot to adjust to.

          As well as the above advice, I will say the most important thing is trust. You have to trust your SO as much as you possibly can, and there will be times when you don't know where he is or what he's doing, so you have to not let paranoia get the better of you.

          As for how often to speak, when I moved to UK I left it up to him. We try to skype every day but if we can't (conflicting schedules, traveling) then we make sure we both make a date when we'll next speak. Luckily iMessaging means we can text all the time too. It makes me so grateful I was born when I was opposed to relying on letters!

          Just remember, if you both want it enough, you'll last. And please appreciate how close you are, despite how you probably feel, some of us are dealing with having our SO's on the other side of the world

