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He just left for China

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    He just left for China

    My man has chosen to go to China with ELIC, a Christian organization, where he'll be teaching English. He also really wants to learn the Chinese language. I am a senior in college and have been studying the Chinese language a bit longer than him. I graduate in May.

    We started dating on June 3, 2012. A few weeks later, he told me about the organization and asked my opinion. At the time, I didn't know where our relationship was going or that it would even be painful when he left.

    A year later we are very much in love, and he proposed to me on my birthday, less that a week before he was to leave for China. I was elated about being engaged and hardly noticed that he was leaving until our last full day, when it hit me and I started crying. He has been in China for a few days now, and the sadness and loneliness has yet to go away. Even an unattractive, irrational, obsessive, jealous side of me I never knew I had has started to make itself known. I fear for the distance and the length of time, that it might make him forget our love, forget why he proposed to me. His teammates are one other guy and 4 girls. Irrationally, I fear he'll begin to see them as better fits for him, more "godly" and happier people.

    I realized this is going to do nothing for our relationship and that it's complete insanity, so I'm trying to give it a rest, but the sadness is still very sharp... I'm living in our apartment with both of our stuff, alone. Waiting for classes to start up.

    I went to a yoga class today thinking it'd be a relief; it worked for about an hour until I was crying again! I've never felt so weak or vulnerable, so I hope it gets easier soon. And up until he left, I had not a care in the world.

    I'm glad there's an online support group for this type of thing! Anyone have advice for cheering up quicker?

    All of these things you're feeling are completely normal so try not to feel so guilty. In time you definitely need to make sure you keep these feelings in check though, I let my emotions and feelings completely take control of me in our first international distance, and it really kept me from getting a lot out of the experience.

    For now, I would say just keep doing what you're doing. Don't lock yourself in the house, but allow yourself the opportunity to let these feelings out. Classes are a life saver, I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have classes to focus on.

    my fiance left for Japan this morning, so know you're not alone. We got this!
    Began our story ~ July 1, 2007
    Our first LDR ~ August 2009
    Closed the distance ~ January 2011
    He joined the Air Force ~ January 1, 2013
    Our second LDR ~ January 2, 2013
    He proposed ~ July 4, 2013
    Our wedding day ~ December 30, 2014
    Closing the distance ~ Summer 2015

    Proud of my Airman!!


      Thanks for the encouragement! It sounds like our situations are very similar! You got engaged too, congratulations! It's encouraging to hear!!

      It feels like I'm going crazy. I went to China in May as well, but only for 1 month of study abroad. I thought it'd be good practice, but being on the other end of it is quite different. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way, I just hope I stop feeling this way soon so I don't show too much of this side of me to him!


        Yea, it does sound like we're in similar situations. Thank you! Congratulations to you too!

        Same here, I feel like I'm going insane. I've been so moody all day, one minute I feel almost normal, then the next minute I'm sobbing again. I hope a good night's sleep is what I need. But in the midst of it all, I know that I'll get through it, and we will adapt and soon it will feel completely great I know the same will happen with you and you're SO, just give it some time and you will both get into a schedule with each other.

        I know what you mean, somehow it's different being the one left behind. Although I guess I was probably worse in the long run when I was the one overseas lol. I was younger and I just had a really hard time dealing with the distance. But I have to say, I think the whole initial process of leaving and being there was probably easier because there were things to keep me preoccupied. Here everything is a reminder of him, I think that's what I'm having the hardest time with.

        It sounds like you're pretty level headed, in which case I wouldn't worry about feeling irrational. Honestly, especially since ya'll are getting married, your SO will eventually see sides of you that you would rather him not see. I'm actually feeling guilty about letting feelings affect my mood a few times while my SO was home. I do regret it, but in a way it's kinda good because it allows my SO to see different sides of me, so when we're living together he won't be so shocked

        It's really up to you on how you deal with these new feelings you're having. But I am certain that these jealous and unsure feelings are completely normal, and if they don't resolve on their own, think about just telling your fiance how you feel. Maybe he can give some reassurance, sometimes that's all you need. And besides, you're gonna be his wife soon, you do have a right to know about the people he's around
        Began our story ~ July 1, 2007
        Our first LDR ~ August 2009
        Closed the distance ~ January 2011
        He joined the Air Force ~ January 1, 2013
        Our second LDR ~ January 2, 2013
        He proposed ~ July 4, 2013
        Our wedding day ~ December 30, 2014
        Closing the distance ~ Summer 2015

        Proud of my Airman!!


          I just got back from spending a year teaching English in China!

          It will be an amazing experience for him, and at times you may feel left out because he is experiencing many new things while you are continuing your same every day life.
          Good news, if you're on the same schedule me and my SO were - exactly 12 hours opposite - this will give you time to talk every morning and night as your sleep cycle will be exactly opposite. We found we talked more when I was in China than we do here.
          Also, if you have smart-phones - Kik is the best texting app we found.
          For phone calls your SO can get a Skype account, get a local (to you) phone number, and then have that number transfer calls to his Chinese cell number. This way you can call him whenever you need him and it will be like a local call for you.

          Don't worry. Things will be fine, and though time can drag on at times you will be able to get through it.

          How much Chinese can you speak? What city is your SO going to?
          (I'm so excited for him! I'm soooooo happy to be back with my SO but I miss China... )


            Originally posted by dglynn77 View Post
            I just got back from spending a year teaching English in China!

            It will be an amazing experience for him, and at times you may feel left out because he is experiencing many new things while you are continuing your same every day life.
            Good news, if you're on the same schedule me and my SO were - exactly 12 hours opposite - this will give you time to talk every morning and night as your sleep cycle will be exactly opposite. We found we talked more when I was in China than we do here.
            Also, if you have smart-phones - Kik is the best texting app we found.
            For phone calls your SO can get a Skype account, get a local (to you) phone number, and then have that number transfer calls to his Chinese cell number. This way you can call him whenever you need him and it will be like a local call for you.

            Don't worry. Things will be fine, and though time can drag on at times you will be able to get through it.

            How much Chinese can you speak? What city is your SO going to?
            (I'm so excited for him! I'm soooooo happy to be back with my SO but I miss China... )
            Omg this is so helpful! I'm definitely gonna check out that skype phone call thing you mentioned, that would be so awesome if that worked for us. And also what you said about talking more when you were away was true for me and my SO when I was in Asia too. I'm hoping it's the same for us still that he's the one gone this time. For sure on the weekends. Thanks for the encouraging and helpful comments. Even though they weren't aimed at me, I found it helpful
            Began our story ~ July 1, 2007
            Our first LDR ~ August 2009
            Closed the distance ~ January 2011
            He joined the Air Force ~ January 1, 2013
            Our second LDR ~ January 2, 2013
            He proposed ~ July 4, 2013
            Our wedding day ~ December 30, 2014
            Closing the distance ~ Summer 2015

            Proud of my Airman!!


              Originally posted by ushiwakafox View Post
              Omg this is so helpful! I'm definitely gonna check out that skype phone call thing you mentioned, that would be so awesome if that worked for us. And also what you said about talking more when you were away was true for me and my SO when I was in Asia too. I'm hoping it's the same for us still that he's the one gone this time. For sure on the weekends. Thanks for the encouraging and helpful comments. Even though they weren't aimed at me, I found it helpful
              My pleasure Glad I could help!

