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It's finally happening

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    It's finally happening

    Seems like forever since i have posted here. Been some what busy with going away on Vacation, Working and just having time with my SO (facetime) lol. Ok so the last time i did post here i was bitching about my SOs current wife (separated). And i had most responses how i overreacted about his wife making a comment on how happy she was for him and that she enjoyed watching my youtube movie. Everyone has their own opinion and i respected what everyone had to say on the matter. However, her true colours started showing the other night. When my SO politely texted her to let her know he will be sending the divorce papers to her next week and got sassy and started calling me a slut :/ charming i know. She said a bunch of crap horrible things kicking off that his finally doing the divorce. He showed me the whole conversation and he remained quite calm politely asking her to not talk about me and to stop looking me up on the internet as she refereed to me as a slut from the display picture of me on Vacation in my bikini. I knew she was only trying to be nice a few weeks back for a reason.

    So yes, Justin is finally filing for his Divorce thank god. On the other hand his has something major planned for December and is driving me bonkers ha ha. He told me last night his not letting me know when his flying in when he visits in December, and that my brother and best friend is in on my surprise. I am so excited yet i want to know now. Just 4 more months until im in his arms again.

    Update on his deployment notice .. It has been brought forward from September to June. My Heart broke a little when he told me but im a strong supportive girlfriend who will stand behind him the whole way. So after Decembers visit we have January - March and the month in May to be able to spend time together before he deploys for 9 months. And it seems like his heading off to Korea. Not Kuwait. So much to think about in what seems a short space of time. This year is flying by so fast and its scaring the heck out of me!!

    just 3 days and we have officially been together 5 months <3 Love him all the world!

    It's sad that she couldn't be more mature about the situation, at least your partner handled it in the right way. The surprise sounds like it will be really sweet Hopefully December will come by fast for you.

    *Distance isn't an obstacle when it comes to love, but rather a great reminder on just how strong true love can be*

    We're engaged 2014 - save $$, 2015 - get married, 2016 - make the big move!


      I am so happy for you hun that he's finally filing for divorce! As for the ex she is finally showing her true colors but since she'll be out of your lives soon I wouldn't worry about it
      So, here you are
      too foreign for home
      too foreign for here.
      Never enough for both.

      Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


        So happy for you!!!! I know how it feels with the still-wife always looming in the background, can't wait for his divorce either!

        December will come soon (God knows, they are already selling Christmas decorations :O)


          Him filing the divorce should be a good thing for everyone involved. I went through a really terrible, long divorce, and my SO was there for the whole thing. He never complained about any parts of it, but once the divorce was finalized it instantly felt like a weight was lifted off us both.

          So happy that you guys get to finally move forward from it!


            Originally posted by dizzyupthemeg View Post
            Him filing the divorce should be a good thing for everyone involved. I went through a really terrible, long divorce, and my SO was there for the whole thing. He never complained about any parts of it, but once the divorce was finalized it instantly felt like a weight was lifted off us both.

            So happy that you guys get to finally move forward from it!
            I have never once compalined too him. I had arguments in my head about it lol. But yes it feels like a weight is starting to lift already. It must be listing of his shoulders too as his already house hunting etc for our future! Its a step in the right direct and our future.

            Thanks for all the support girls

