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    Hey everyone,

    I was wondering what all your parents think of your LDR's. Because mine hate it. They've told me that they want my relationship to end soon because it's ridiculous, but you can't help who you love right? I'm under 18 so they have a certain amount of control. I really hate that they can't accept my feelings for my SO.

    Are the parents of everyone who's in a LDR like this too?

    Although this distance breaks my heart,
    And it's unbearable when we're apart,
    I know that it will all be fine,
    As my heart is yours,
    And yours is mine.. <3

    My family and friends, thankfully, don't have a problem with it. They never even mentioned the distance. They are just happy for me and my SO.


      My parents make things so difficult. Almost every single time over the past 18 months my boyfriend has had to spend his own money to come see me, because even though I have money, my parents won't let me go back to visit. They purposefully make things hard for me just because they dislike our relationship...I hate it.


        My mom had probably the worst reaction I could've imagined when I told her. I think with her it's more the race issue than it is the distance. Living in the South with a soon to be 63-year-old mom it's common I hear racist remarks but I wasn't aware exactly how racist she was until I showed her his picture. I got maybe not quite an hour lecture about how I was taking part of an abomination and that if we married/had kids she wouldn't be involved and if "God wanted us to date different races we'd all be the same color." Granted she's not keen on the distance thing, she's never trusted anyone I know via internet or what I actually DO on the internet (this woman thinks a forum is the same thing as a chatroom and had me on the AOL kid's settings, meaning all my activity was e-mailed to her, until I was 15 when I made her switch to non dial-up) so that I meet a guy on there that is interested in me, well you get the picture. A lot of her disapproval is because she and my dad were long distance, they met through his sister who was my mom's coworker. She moved to be with him after 6 months, they married 6 months later, and when I was 6 divorced because it wasn't until they were married did my dad show his true colors (which weren't pretty) so she believes the same thing will happen to me.

        She's gotten better with time, she doesn't like him but he hasn't done anything to hurt me and he makes me happy so she can't say much. The surprising thing, for me, is that my SO not only likes my mom but he respects her decision to dislike him for her racist reasons. He says he can respect someone who stays true to their beliefs even if they're not right for the situation, but won't force them on others. I'd like them to talk one day, just so they can 'meet'.


          Both of my parents are really chill. They love my SO, so they don't have a problem with the distance at all. They like that he has a job and is hardworking. And they completely understand that situation


            You're so lucky.. =]
            Although this distance breaks my heart,
            And it's unbearable when we're apart,
            I know that it will all be fine,
            As my heart is yours,
            And yours is mine.. <3


              My parents wouldn't like it if they knew. It's because I dated her for a year and a half and then when I went to rehab we took a "break" and neither parents know we have even been talking so it wouldn't be good for them to know. Her parents really don't like me because of the things I put them through and it's perfectly reasonable and my parents don't like her because they think she held me back from going to rehab because I wanted to stay with her which is true to an extent. I get it they just want to see us happily living our lives and just completely cut it off but I love her and she loves me, the only reason for the break was the fact that I'm 2 hours away and wouldn't be able to see her for 4-5 months. Now we both realize that it's worth staying together even if we're apart.


                My parents have never said anything negative about it, but they were long distance for 2 years after being close distance for 4, so they understand. my younger sister was also in a long distance relationship when I started dating my boyfriend. we also met in person, and then a month after we started dating he came to visit, so my parents have met him. none of my friends were supportive though, but im lucky my parents were. they are happy for me and they like him.


                  My mom is fine with it and even if she hadn't been it wouldn't have affacted my decision and relationship one bit. She is my mom but no matter my age she doesn't have a say so in who i date.


                    I have to say, it took me a year before I told my mom my SO and myself were dating. I think she finally picked it up when he added her on Facebook before I had told her xD My mom is very supportive and asks me a few times out of the week how he's doing. My dad, however, I know he knows since I had changed my status on FB, but he hasn't come to talk to me at all. He either is ok with it or doesn't quite know how to confront me about it. When my mom and I were suggesting my SO come and visit, she would have a through talk with my dad. Well, that never happened. Still, everyone in my house probably knows but when we (mom and I) talk about him in front of my dad he's still "the friend from Europe"...haha
                    Me: I hope that pizza gets here soon. My stomach is growling.
                    Growling at you.

                    Muffin: *pokes stomach* ^=^

                    Me: *stomach growls*
                    I don't think it likes you very much.

                    Muffin: *pokes stomach* Hehe

                    Me: You're provoking it as it growls more. I think it'll like you more if you give it pizza.


                      My dad, originally, was fine with the distance, citing the fact that I was 18 [when it started] and that I could do what I wanted.
                      He doesn't like my SO at this time because of all of the drama Luke has put me through and my friends aren't too crazy about the distance either, but my best friend supports us, thankfully.
                      I don't really need to hear their opinion, even though it would be AMAZING to get support from them. I know what I want to do and their opinions are just that: Opinions.


                        My mum doesn't think its going to work but doesn't have a problem with it & my dads amazing about it - hes always looking for flights for me, lent me money to go over there the first time & is now making me learn how to drive because getting around in America isn't so easy like here in London ..
                        I thought my dad would be the worst but he's been so good .. x
                        ♥ Sarah Louiise ♥


                          my parents have loved Brian from day one because -I've- loved him from day one. they trust my judgement. they've also met him twice, though. and each time have said how much they'd love it if he'd move over here, and even if he did they'd let him live with us until he got on his feet with his own apartment. my friends have also been mostly supportive throughout the whole thing.


                            I parents are okay with it.
                            When my bf visits me, my mom always remembers to buy things at the supermarket she knows he likes.
                            Only thing that bothers her a bit, is the fact that my bf and her can't talk together. (none of them knows English) but even though they don't talk, she seem to have a good impression of him. Sometimes it actually sounds like she thinks he's too good for me... XD

                            When we went to visit my Dad, he kinda thought my bf wasn't just from the other side of the world, but from a totally different planet. Like: "so... does he know what milk is?" "Dad... he's from Japan, not Mars! Think they have milk in every country in the world!"
                            Then he can't seem to understand why my bf would spend so much money to come and see me. (geez, I have a nice family)
                            And then he likes to make fun of they way we speak. (because we speak Japanese together)
                            Actually thought my dad would have a harder time accepting it, because he used to be a bit racist.
                            Like when I expressed interest in Japan years ago, the first thing he told me was: "Don't start dating those Jap guys!" And he always told me I should find a nice, white, Danish guy. So I was a bit worried to tell him about my bf. (or maybe not, since I like to do things against his wishes)
                            But, my dad has been sick with cancer the recent years, and he doesn't have much time left, it seems. So think that's why he has started to be more understanding.


                              my parents are very supportive, in fact, my mum pmd my SO on facebook when she knew I'd be on the plane back to the UK and told him that she knew I loved him very much and he had to come visit as soon as possible =) they can't wait to meet him. My dad scares me though. He was asking me about our plans for getting a house or renting an apartment etc. I told him we were looking for apartments which allowed dogs, as we want to get a puppy when I'm back, and he starts ranting on about how renting is a waste of money, and he's give us 10 grand towards a house. I tried explaining in was Toledo and we'd have to buy a bulletproof house (it's not the safest place to live) and we weren't planning on living there forever but he won't listen. To be honest I think he's already got us married off in his head lol I'm just scared that when my SO comes to visit in December, dad is going to be going on at him about property and stuff for the whole trip.

                              And my SO is still worried about winning my parents over. Lol if only he knew the problem was the complete opposite. I'm glad they are supportive and all, it makes this whole thing easier, I'm just worried dad is going to be too overbearing on my poor bf when all he wants to spend time with me!

                              <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                              <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                              The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                              <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                              <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                              Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                              Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!

