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Couples with big age difference

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    We have a 15 year gap. I'm 26 and he's 41. To be honest, we don't notice it at all. Age is just a number. We have the same interests and have an absolute blast when we are together. We are both HUGE nerds. Our families/friends don't have a problem with our ages. We are both consenting adults so....besides, their opinions wouldn't have stopped us anyway.



      I have a 13 year age gap with my SO. She is soon to be 33 and I'm soon to be 20.


        My husband is a little over 6 years older than me, im about to turn 28 and he's 34. I think age gaps matters when you're in different stages of your life. Say if i had met my husband when i was 18 and him 24, it wouldn't have worked. For one he would've felt i was too young (we've talked about this subject lol). We both weren't ready for a committed relationship, wanted to have fun, mess around. I actually met him when i was 24 and him 30 and we were on the same page. Its amazing how different i was at 24 compared to 18.

        When i told my parents, my mum was disappointed he wasn't older, saying i needed to marry a man at least 10 years older. I still to this day don't really understand why she said that.


          I'm 19 and he's 27, which means 8 years of age gap. We met when I was 16 and he was 24. When I was 16 and told my parents about it, they were super supportive and realized that he makes me happy. We haven't had any difficulties, but it's just funny to think that when I was born, he had just turned 8 years old, because we have 5 days between our birthdays.


            He's 24 and I'm 32. He acts his age a lot (and younger sometimes) and it drives me crazy but then again it could very well be that I'm just a cranky old lady.


              He's 56; I'm 40

              When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

              True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

              When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

              1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


                I am 44 and my husband is 30. Age is a number. It's all up to the individuals and maturity level........I have NEVER had this great of a relationship!!
                NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                  I'm 19 (20 in September ) and my SO is 25, 26 in March. Now that I've been with a more mature man I never want to date anyone my age again! Haha, but really, he is mature and responsible, the kind of stability that I love. He tells me I am the most mature "woman" he's ever dated. I initially thought that he'd be uninterested in someone my age but love is funny sometimes.


                    I'm 43 and my SO is 21. Pretty sure we've got the biggest age gap on this forum. :P Funnily enough, he's the most emotionally mature man I've ever met - of any age.


                      My SO and I have a six year age gap. He's 29, and I am going to be 23 in November. We met when I was 16, going on 17, and he was 23. To be honest, I hardly notice the age gap. We have common interests, and can pretty much agree on certain topics, and views. At first, my parents gave me a hard time about it, but now they are fine with it, and I am currently married to him. So it's working out.


                        I just wanted to add that my SO is very mature, maybe even more than I am. lol She seems to have more knowledge than I do about life too. I guess this is caused by the different upbringings. The only thing that has come up in relation to the age difference is that we are at different stages in our lives. I'm ready to settle down and build my life with her. Buy a house, live together, maybe start talking kids. While she's still in school working at getting to where I am now. It's something we've talked about a few times before and we deal with it. We are on the track, this I know for sure.

                        Oh! and when her parents first found out about me, cause they clued in really fast, they asked her how old I was and told her that the max age they wouldn't be weird with was 27 (at the time) and I think I was like 26 at the time. lol They were in their (late) 30's and were just worried that their daughter would be dating some one the same age as them!
                        Last edited by Mims27; August 20, 2013, 06:08 AM.

                        "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
                        Married April 18th, 2015!!
                        Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!

