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Distance extended another 11 months

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    Distance extended another 11 months

    My poor SO has done nothing but jump thru hoops for the past few years. He is currently working on his master in nursing. When he was accepted into te program, he was told that he would be given life experience credit and would graduate Dec '13. After he was accepted, the director of the program was put into a different position. The new director (and several instructors) have made it known that they do not believe paramedics should become nurses (totally unprofessional).
    It was in the student handbook that they could make changes to the program at any time. They would make changes to class syllabus's without informing students.
    He found out today the life experience credit was taken away by the new director and he won't be graduating until July '14
    He is devestated and pissed that he was basically lied to. But there is nothing he can do. Only 6 credits would transfer to another masters program. There isn't a program down here that he can get in to because he doesn't have a BSN. He makes 3 times as much money up there as a paramedic as he could do down here (they are union, we aren't)
    I have pushed and encouraged him for the past 2 years. He is so discouraged right now :-(
    everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.

    I'm really sorry to hear this, subeasley. It seems like a lot, I know, but look at it like you at least have an end-date, even if it's a bit further than anticipated. Those months will go by quickly for you, I hope, and it'll be so worth it for you both when he finally has his degree.
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein

