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topics and things to talk to

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    topics and things to talk to

    I always run out of things to talk to with my SO. please give some ideas or topics that can be talk to for a long while. thanks

    Depends on what are your interests. You can try to discuss various things, like - same sex marriage, humans or animals rights, political situation in various countries... Or watch movies together and discuss them


      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


        You can always talk to your SO about food! Everybody eats!!!!!My SO and I talk a lot about food as we both like to try foods from different corners of the world. We both like to eat spicy and like to buy a lot of herbs to put into food (like rosemary, basil, oregano, etc).
        My SO also enjoys to watch sports on TV, especially soccer, so I have done a little research on this and I am talking to him about that too (of course, I can*t know as much as he does, but he sees that I am no fool!!!)


          At some point during the evening my SO and I will go quiet on each other for a few minutes every night... When you talk twice a day, every single day, for 7+ hours eventually you run out of new and different things to talk about. But we've both learned that we don't have to say much to each other during our long conversations every night because we tend to say everything by hardly saying anything. She's much quieter than I am, So I usually run out of things to talk to her about, and when that happens we usually fill in the time by cracking jokes and teasing each other about something silly one of us has said to each other at one point in the past. One thing we tend to giggle about a lot is when I tease her about one night in particular we were talking and I asked her if she could hang on for a few minutes, I needed to use the restroom and then I was going to run upstairs and grab something cold to drink. She misunderstood me and asked me what I said, so I told her and then asked her what she thought I said... She explained that it sounded like I asked her if she could hang on cause I had to run to the restroom and her exact words were she thought I said " I thought you said you were going to go comb your goofy hair, or should I say your there lack of hair." I had just gotten my haircut 3-4 days before, So it was pretty short. Meanwhile all this was at like 2 in the morning so we were both sitting there laughing and thinking about what she said. When we're not giving each other a hard time over things we mishear come out of each others mouths, we usually lay there and talk about our dreams if we've had any that night or in the past few nights. She had a dream about 2 weeks ago about how she bought a horse with no saddle... I had heard her talking in her sleep ( something she does a lot of....). She kept saying "What am I going to do with a horse that has no saddle, it's useless!" I sat there and chuckled to myself at her sleep talking and then asked her to tell me about her dream when she woke up if she was able to remember it. I sat there and listened to her tell me about her dream of buying a horse with no saddle. Then afterwards I kept giving her a hard time and told her to think why exactly the horse she had just bought had no saddle and where that saddle could of possibly of gone. She laughed hysterically when she finally realized what I was hinting at. When her and I run out of things to talk about we still find things to keep us entertained and laughing with and at each other, even if it means a little good ol' fashion teasing and leg pulling.
          Last edited by BigMatt93; August 25, 2013, 01:55 AM.

